“Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer, some are written in the books and some are confined to hearts.” ~Savi Sharma
As the second half of my 100 Day Project starts today, I have been contemplating what I wanted to do. Still exploring a color a day, combining colors or even making my own from primary colors are still the main part of my project for the whole year. And I give each color a unique name. Perhaps something I see in nature, or something I feel. I had started my project using Mary Lunnen’s Dare To Blossom Rediscovery Cards Deck 2 paired with a crystal to give me a bit of inspiration. I love her cards….great words to ponder. Now as the second half of the project is starting, I want to change directions a bit.

I discovered a unique book recently, and hadn’t had much of a chance to peruse it until last week. It is The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig. Have you heard of it? Fascinating concept. The author has created words we didn’t even know we needed. As he says, the book is ‘to shine a light on the fundamental strangeness of being a human being.’ Most of the words deal with emotions and are related to other words in other languages. Being a lover of words, I was instantly intrigued.

So I have decided to plumb the depths of this book and chose a new word each day to explore a little and see what color comes to mind to put in my journal. I think it could be fun, and very interesting so I shall see how it goes. Here is the first one from today. You can read more about it here.
The word sonder, in the title of the post, is one of the words found in the book. It is the awareness that everyone has a story. It is from the French, sonder, to plumb the depths. Perhaps we tell our story or perhaps we just hold onto it. Me, I’m a lover of storytelling. And fascinated by someone’s story.

Have you ever taken a walk especially as it is just getting dark and the lights within the houses start turning on so we can get a glimpse inside? Yeah, I love that time so I can steal a peek and wonder what their life might be like.

As an observer of nature, I love trying to discover the stories I find there. What happened to this bunny’s ear? Did he get it stuck, did another animal try to attack him but only came away with a piece of his ear? Or maybe he was born that way?

And these poor robins. Many came back early in February when the weather was mild. But spring so far has been more winter-like than February. So yes, they congregated on our sumac to find any berries. Even one (in the top picture) was braving the wild rose bush thorns to get to the hips. Are these birds sticking around and going to nest in our area or are they just stopping for a bite to eat before they move on for their trip further north?
I just love pondering a good story…or is it sondering? Well I guess I am about to learn so much more about language and words as I delve deeper into this new book. And to me that is exciting. I will update you on how I like the book, and you can catch my 100 Day Project posts on Instagram and Facebook to see how I am using the book.

As I look out at my very minimal garden, bulbs keep popping up defying the landscape fabric and stones laid down by the management of our rental townhouse last year. They are finding little gaps here and there much to my glee.
I cut a few tiny blooms of snowdrop, crocus and puschkinia for a couple of tiny vases. I needed something to get me into the swing of spring.

I hope to have an update on the garden and maybe what I plan to do with the containers. And finally talk about the native garden I am planning.

With these vases, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. The collages were created with a variety of apps 10 years ago that are no longer available. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2022. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.