I complained to Lee that no one really looks at the garden. Her answer was accurate, “You do the garden for yourself, after all.” Yes, I do, but I also long to give it, and in this it is very much like poetry — that is, I would write poems whether anyone looked at them or not, but I hope someone will. ~May Sarton
I do so understand what May Sarton was saying here. I create for myself, whether in words, images or in the garden. And while it is first and foremost for me, I do want others to look at my creative works. We all do to some degree.

I want others to enjoy my creative endeavors because I am creating for them and for the sheer joy of the act of creating. I think gardening in general is done for us gardeners first. But it is also to create some curb appeal, and to create gardens galore for bees, other pollinators, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. All manner of creatures, and yes also for Mother Earth herself to add to the general well being of the planet.

But selfishly I do create for myself as I choose what I love in colors that move me at the moment whether in my coloring book or garden. And currently my focus has been on the container garden that wraps around our rental townhouse. Some perennials, but mostly annuals bought as plants or started from seed for later cutting.

It is always joyful to have someone stop and tell me how much gladness my garden brings them. The colors, the flowers making them smile and adding a bit of magic to their day. I feel like my job is done as a creator when I hear these words of praise…for me the goal is always bringing joy to others and myself.

And on days where I am feeling a bit down or lost or disconnected, I know all I have to do is go out in the garden and pull some weeds, snip off spent flowers and cut some blooms for a vase. In those few minutes in nature, in my garden, I am immediately connected into the divine Universal energy. I am again filled with gratitude and gladness.
So here is what is happening in some of the container gardens…

In the front I am still trying to grow a couple of perennials in the large rectangular containers; a rose which is doing okay (although some pest continues to eat the leaves), and a hosta which should return. A little bacopa and a few coleus to round them out. Under the cloth are a few large sunflowers I will plant in another container out back and the rest are smaller cutting sunflowers. If I don’t cover the seedlings, the chipmunks will make a meal with the rabbits. Once they are big enough I can uncover them.

Lots of easy begonias for part shade on the porch.

Near the front door are more begonias, a double petunia, zinnia and angelonia for part shade.

I tried growing a clematis in this front container but they just don’t return. So instead, I am growing sweet peas and morning glories from seed. The pansies and violas are all repeaters.

And all are growing from a couple of pansies and violas from 2 yrs ago. I love the look.

Below the big round container above are a few sun lovers; zinnia, angelonia and verbena which I love for attracting butterflies. And some of these same flowers are in other containers above plus Calibrachoas, marigolds and more.

In back I have two Gerbera daisies and a cleome adding color. There are lots more flowers planted from seed I’ll show you in a month of so.

For a vase today I cut the native California poppies, three different lavenders and a wild nigella growing back from last year.

I hope once these poppies fade and set seed they will scatter among the rocks and come back next year.

The nigella and some calendula seeded themselves from annuals I planted a year or two ago in a container. They now grow between the rocks which is such a lovely surprise. I know I will be cutting them for future vases.
With this week’s lovely vase, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2023. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.