“People seldom see themselves changing. It is like going out in the morning, or in the springtime to pick flowers. You pick and you wander till suddenly you find that the light is gone and the flowers are withered in your hand.” ~Zora Neale Hurston
I thought I would be retiring this blog, Gardens Eye View, this year. But I have come to realize it is inextricably tied to me, to who I am. A gardener and nature lover….a writer and creative soul. After all the tag line for my blog has always been “thoughts about life, living and gardening”. So instead of retiring my blog, I am going to revamp it a bit. I hope to work on a new blog design through June and then relaunch sometime in July. That means I will be on hiatus after this post until I hope early July.
The newly designed blog will be centered around the creative me. Space for updates on my garden, artistic endeavors, books I am writing and (crossing my fingers) getting published.

As gardeners, we know our garden changes daily, weekly and moment to moment. Overnight lettuce seeds are sprouting and growing in the Veg Trug….

as I harvest purple bok choy, kale, and tatsoi.

Tomato start has flowers already. Just give it ample water (getting at least an inch weekly with all our rain), good amounts of sun and warm weather. That has been a bit difficult some days as we still rollercoaster up and down with cool temps.

But the hydrangea is chock full of flowers making it perfect to snip a few for a vase.

Maybe even a rose. What a fragrance.

I began moving nasturtiums and calendulas to other pots that had pansies that are now spent. The vines are full of flowers out back. Coral native honeysuckle that the hummers love.

And my lovely clematis, ‘Chacewater’, from last year. Wow is it over eight feet tall….

and bushy with loads of flowers. It does love the spot I picked for it. And it should be blooming profusely soon.

Still waiting for the sweet peas to grow a bit more with the new clematis.

Mints settling in.

More herbs, Italian parsley and thyme, showing lots of new growth. With the success so far in this container, I hope to use this pot again next year in the same spot.

The hydrangeas were growing such huge flowers I only took one that was not even fully unfurled. I added one fragrant rose and a couple of native coreopsis flowers starting to bloom.

I am happy with my small vases this year. As my new garden is small, I don’t have loads of flowers to spare for big vases. Maybe later this summer or next year.
With this lovely vase, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2022. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.