Garden Journal-Blooms of October


“Just before the death of flowers,
And before they are buried in snow,
There comes a festival season
When nature is all aglow.”
–   Author Unknown

The geese are moving in droves and the fall color is at peak now.  Fall is in full swing and it is another Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (GBBD) on the 15th.  With the recent warm weather and fall rains, I am astounded as to what is still blooming in the garden.  We had really cool weather a couple of weeks ago, and many flowers faded, but others came back to life.  This will continue  until the dreaded first freeze.  Even then the resilient ones will keep going.

I’ll be linking in with Carol at May Dreams Gardens and Gesine at Seepferds Garten for this Bloom Day in October.  So let’s wander the garden to see what’s going on….


 Veg Garden 

There is still life in the veg garden especially since I have kept it covered.  Carrots, scallions, arugula, peas and a few beans.  Lovely endive pictured above among the weeds and under the netting.  The netting has worked wonders for keeping the critters out of the veg bed.  Of course we still have tomatoes going.  Soon I will be planting garlic here.  And the new veg bed is being installed.   I already have plans for what will planted in it. 


These are wonderful Hatch green chiles getting ready to be roasted.  I’ll be blogging about them soon.  They are still growing strong on the patio in grow bags.



The meadow is fading fast although the asters and some echinacea are still blooming.  Monarchs are few and far between.  Last week they were everywhere as evidenced by the picture here and at the beginning of the post.  Then we had a couple of frosts and they have gone for the most part.  Just a few stragglers now.



 The pond is fascinating to watch as the seasons progress.  In fall it begins to clear, the algae is less and less and the water lilies recede some.


 I spend as much time as I can near the pond listening to the waterfall.  Soon the freezing temps will be here and the pump will be turned off for the winter.  The sound of water will cease until spring warms the water again and we welcome the first frogs and toads.



Loads of perennials still going strong especially with the warm spell we had last weekend.


 Surprise bloom on the native hibiscus.  These are usually dinner plate size, but this late bloom is quite petite…such a cute bloomer.



 Beautiful fall crocuses blooming in the white garden.  These remind me of spring.



This Knockout Rose has become a lovely mottled white and pink.  This picture was captured just as the sun was rising and the dew was still on the bloom.  It sparkles like glitter.



Gaillardias are still blooming profusely all over the garden.  I love how you can see all the phases of the plant at once.  Every phase is beautiful from just beginning to bloom to seed heads.



I was amazed at the blooming power of borage.  It is still going strong.  It puts out flower after flower with no deadheading.  This one is glowing in the sunlight.  The pollinators are in love with this flower.  I will definitely be growing it again around my veg garden.


This low growing aster has tiny white flowers.  It’s called ‘Snowdrift’.  Lovely plant for lighting up the fall garden.


So what will GBBD hold for us here in the North East US in November?  I am holding out for any blooms that are still around.  I bet I can predict a few…

Morning light through fog on the meadow

 “There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October.” ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne


I’ll also be joining Tootsie Time’s Fertilizer Friday and Tina’s PicStory Weekend Flowers on Friday.  So drop by to check out all the wonderful flowers.

Hope you enjoyed my first post at Beautiful Wildlife Garden, If You Build It….  I blog the first Saturday of every month at BWG.

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All content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.


Shameless Book Flaunt–For those that have asked my poems were published in the book, The Moment I Knew. You can order the book from the publisher Sugati Publications where more of the proceeds go to the womens’ groups chosen by the authors.  Free shipping from the publisher as well.  You can also order it from Amazon soon.  I hope you enjoy the book and I would love to hear your feedback on my poems.