The serene philosophy of the pink rose is steadying. Its fragrant, delicate petals open fully and are ready to fall, without regret or disillusion, after only a day in the sun. It is so every summer. One can almost hear their pink, fragrant murmur as they settle down upon the grass: ‘Summer, summer, it will always be summer. ~ Rachel Peden
As the solstice brings us another season, here in northern hemisphere it is blowing in with a hot vengeance. We have been in the 80s for the last week and this week we have hit 90! I really hope we can level out at a nice 82 without all the humidity, and with a bit of rain every week. Oh who am I kidding. Who knows what the weather will be, but I intend to enjoy it.
Rain–let’s dance
Heat–sit in the shade and sip ice tea
Humidity–head for the gazebo or wander early in the morning before the day heats up
After all it is the Promise of Summer that I am looking forward to this season, and I said my mantra would be:
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept is as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Of course the solstice doesn’t just bring summer to the world. Winter has begun in the southern hemisphere and closer to the equator there is a whole other world of 2 seasons (rainy or dry). So let’s get the party started and see what celebrations are happening:
Let’s start in the US this time…..
Beth@Plant Postings’s Seasonal celebrations: the plants of summer! showed us all the wonderful plants that reminds her of summer. Daylilies, roses, cosmos, hydrangea and yummy black raspberries say summer in Beth’s garden. Beth and I both grew up in Indiana and we both think of water when we dream of summer. Beth is now in Wisconsin enjoying a wonderful summer. Wishing you lots of berries, Beth.
Sage Butterfly’s post, Breathing Lessons, teaches us about accepting what comes from Mother Nature as there is always something good that comes from it. As Michelle celebrates summer, a bit early weather-wise, I wish her some time to breathe easy and slow as she enjoys her lovely garden.
Southern Meadows in Georgia celebrates their hot summers in the woodland shade. Their woods are just so inviting and peaceful. Karin also says the celebration wouldn’t be complete without water, and lots of time in the water. Of course vacation trips are a must. Enjoy and stay cool Karin!
Holley@Roses and Other Gardening Joys brought us her Time in a Bottle celebration as summer rolls around. Her memories of turning in bottles for the deposit money brought back my own memories of doing exactly the same thing. The rare treat of buying another soda was true in our day, but I also used my stash of money to feed my penny candy addiction.
And Holley also let us know she veg gardens for the canning that comes after the harvest. My mom also did a bit of canning especially ice box pickles. Me, I eat what I harvest. We grow a small garden, and are not always successful. I admire all your hard work at growing such a harvest Holley, and I am wishing you a great bounty this summer as you celebrate with canning!
Now we move closer to the equator…..

Andrea in this Lifetime is a wonderful blog from a much hotter and definitely more tropical place, the Phillipines. Andrea is close to the equator where, as she says it, they have 2 seasons-dry and rainy. Andrea has joined us as she celebrates the change of season there with Creatures beating the heat. During their hot weather, the humidity can be unbearable, but you can see the few brave butterflies that emerged. Just amazing.
And if one blog was not enough, Andrea writes a second blog, Pure Oxygen Generators. In this blog she is showing off their amazing tropical flowers, Dry Season Flowers. These are the most amazing red flowers I have ever seen, and I would love to have some for my red garden. Sadly that can never be. The size of her red hibiscus and amaryllis are stunning. It is always a fascinating trip visiting Andrea’s blogs.
As we round out our trip let’s go to Europe:

B-A-G@Experiments With Plants is continuing to follow her London Plane Tree for this celebration of the season. I am so fascinated by these ancient trees that grace many parks in London. If you didn’t see these magnificent beauties, please check out her post. They have the most amazing span, and as they leaf out provide lovely shade. I couldn’t get over how large they can get and how some are still growing after 200 years. The seedheads are like nothing I have seen growing here in my patch in NY. Strange balls of seed hanging from branches. Can’t wait to see them as they move into the slow slumber of fall.
Another London gardener, Laura@Patio Patch, is All set for summer. Laura was kind enough to share the summer blooms and colors of the gardens around London. The colors, fountains and displays are just beautiful (despite the weather they are having still). These gardens are like nothing I have seen here. And I think my favorite is the Japanese gardens. A style of gardening I do so love, but would never be able to maintain. Such a peaceful setting to lose oneself.
I must say that even though I have never been to London, I have learned so much about the gardens around this city. I think once I do get there I will be spending most of my time touring all these lovely parks and gardens. Hopefully I will have as wonderful a tour guide as B-A-G or Laura.
I want to thank everyone who joined in for Seasonal Celebrations during the busy solstice. I know the garden is a busy place this time of year. I do enjoy putting these wrap up posts together because it gives me a chance to re-read such wonderful posts about how folks celebrate the seasons. And I loved sharing some of the early summer blooms from my garden in this post.

I hope you will join in for the next season as we enjoy the equinox. I will be posting about this new season on September 1st. Please remember to visit Beth@Plant Postings as she reveals the Garden Lessons Learned this past season.
“Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.” ~ Russel Baker
I would be remiss if I didn’t remind everyone that it is Pollinator Week around the world. Pollinators certainly love to celebrate summer with us as they buzz, float and fly about our gardens doing their work with abandon. I am celebrating this week and this summer by participating in Firefly Watch, a Citizen Science Project. If you live in the US and are lucky enough to have fireflies, consider joining. It is so easy and fun. Even the non-gardener husband has had fun as we watch from our gazebo in the evening as darkness falls. I hope to post more on this here and at Beautiful Wildlife Gardens.
Next up on the blog: Monday will be time for another Simply The Best post that ties in with Diana@Elephant’s Eye, and Gail@Clay and Limestone’s Wildflower Wednesday. I will be featuring my Baptisia. Then it will be time for another walk around the garden in, Gardens Eye Journal.
I will also be linking in with Michelle@Rambling Woods for her Nature Notes meme. It is a great way to see what is happening in nature around the world every Wednesday.
As always, I’ll be joining Tootsie Time’s Fertilizer Friday.
I hope you will join me for my posts, every other Tuesday, at Beautiful Wildlife Garden.
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