I have a confession to make, I am an addict. Plants, seeds, and books. Lots of books, and most recently garden books. 135 in all right now. How many are sitting in my Amazon cart or waiting to be moved to the cart from my wish list…at least 20 garden books. The topics range from veg gardening, to perennials, sustainable gardening, composting, native plants, organic gardening, birds, bees, containers and philosophical gardening books. And those are just the ones I can think of at this moment.
So when Holley@Roses and Other Gardening Joys announced a new meme the 20th of every month, Garden Book Review, I was more than enthusiastic. I have books that must be read. Some I flip through as a reference and others that I have in a pile, “To Be Read” (TBR).
It was easy to pick my first book to review. With my winter gardening obsession being seeds, I chose a recently purchased seed growing book.
Seed Sowing and Saving: Step-by-Step Techniques for Collecting and Growing More Than 100 Vegetables, Flowers, and Herbs (Gardening Skills Illustrated)
or simply–
by Carole B. Turner
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC (January 2, 1998)
List Price: $ 19.95
Amazon Price: $13.57 (Paperback)
In a Few Words: You will learn everything you need to know about starting flower and vegetable seeds indoors and out; keeping them going and planting them outdoors. Once the plants are growing you can then learn how to harvest seeds, dry them and store them. Here are the main sections of the book:
Sowing Seeds
From Seed to Bloom
Selecting Plants for Seed Saving
Collecting and Storing Seeds
Annual Vegetables
Biennial and Perennial Vegetables
Annual Flowers
Biennial and Perennial Flowers
What I Loved: This is a how-to book that has over 300 great illustrations. Mixed in with every topic and section are Master Gardening Tips and Hints for Success set off in boxes so you won’t miss them. I strongly suggest you read all the hints and tips. These have some of the best information found in the book.
When I first received this book, I quickly read through the whole book to get a feel for the information it contains, and there is lots crammed into this book. Then I started at the beginning to make sure I learned everything I needed to know about seed starting: timing, soil, containers, heat, light, watering, pricking out, hardening off and on and on. Each of these topics has its own section chock full of useful info and hints.
Once I am ready, I will start looking at each of the flower and vegetable pages that correspond to those I will be growing from seed indoors and then outdoors. Lastly will be the seed saving section. There is so much info in this book, I don’t want to miss a single word. I can already see this book with little post-it notes hanging out of important starred pages. It will be a well worn and used resource.
Not So Much: The only thing I can say that is a negative (and it really isn’t a negative) is there is too much information, if that is even possible. It is not a bad thing just be forewarned. I did not find it overwhelming, and it is an especially good resource for a beginning gardeners and any gardener with some knowledge of the topic. If you are a master gardener with good knowledge of growing and saving seed this may not be a book for you.
Final Thoughts: What really put this book over the top for me were all the appendices in the back as well as the many resources cited both in books and on the web. There is also a Glossary and an Index which are essential for a great reference or instructional book. I saw they have other books in the series; Pruning Made Easy and Secrets to Great Soil. I may have to check out the pruning book. Another skill I do not possess.
Special Note: Books reviewed here at Gardens Eye View were purchased by me and were not gifts from publishers.
The Great Herb and Seed Experiment Update

Next Up on the Blog: See my latest post at Beautiful Wildlife Garden; Ode To A Toad. Monday will be the next color post highlighting the color red. Then the Word 4 Wednesday, on the 25th, is reflection. Hope you will drop by to celebrate my 100th post as I reflect on the past year of my life in the garden. Oh and in case you missed it Wednesday, my friend Marcia Richards interviewed me again at her blog in celebration of her blog’s first anniversary. Read it to find out what makes me sexy, smart and from the heart.
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