“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.” ~ Luther Burbank
This spring we had an in flux of beetles in our front garden. They especially went after my Proven Winner Fire Light Tidbit® Panicle Hydrangea. Using it to lay their eggs and feed their larvae. The tops of the stems and leaves were decimated so we cut the bush back twice as we got the beetles under control. I was sure it would not bloom as I cut it so late in spring.

Now the bush is finally flowering in late summer. How’s that for resilience. I almost lost faith in it, but was put to shame at nature’s awesomeness.

So what better flower to cut and put in a vase.

And show off as I look forward to seeing this bush full of beautiful blooms each year.

This vase is in honor of my blog which celebrated its anniversary on the 13th of this month. Thirteen years and still going. It feels like still such a part of me.

With this vase, I am also joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.