The Simple Life For Me

“A simple life is its own reward”

~George Santayana


I know, I know life seems to be so complicated….not enough hours in the day….rush, rush, rush….so many people saying, ‘I can’t slow down to read or meditate or walk or take five minutes for myself’. 

But does life have to be so complicated….do we have any control over how complicated or simple life is?  I believe we do.  But it does take some work….just a little effort is all that is needed to start to actually simplify your life.  That seems funny to say, I have to work at making my life simple…sad too!  But that is the truth of our world these days.

And I’ll tell you what the best reasons are for simplifying your life….regaining your true self, your happiness, your health.



Our Complex Life

I have learned this hard lesson of simplifying over the last 30 years.  Trying many times to release the crazy, complexities of my life, many I created.

My garden is a prime example.  Yes, I love to garden.  And I created my massive gardens so I would have a means of indulging my passion for nature and digging and creating….and so I would have a hobby to release me from the stresses of my job. 

But it never happened.  I found very little time to garden as I allowed my job to take up most of my time.  And my gardens were left to fend for themselves.



Look What Happens

Our complex, workaholic culture can quickly consume us.  And it is sneaky how it’s done.  Get this gadget to help simplify your life, or follow this habit, or this use this app.  Boy did I have efficiency down pat so I could work hard, multi-task, commute long hours and subside on very little sleep and a crappy diet.  Funny thing, it was all an illusion.  Keep working hard to maintain a lifestyle that causes you to keep working hard….and on and on the treadmill goes until you go flying off.

It became painfully clear that once I retired, my health was so bad I couldn’t travel or garden much.  So instead I have been working my way back to physical health and emotional stability….and the key has been simplifying.



The Simple Life For Me

The only way back for me has been to put myself first.  It is never too late to begin this hard exercise.  Even my mom, after 85 years of her life, has just learned this valuable lesson.  And it starts with saying ‘no’.  The first ‘no’ is the hardest, but once you utter it, your freedom begins.

Think about all the things you say yes to on a daily basis to please others.  How about pleasing yourself, first, for once.  Do it…really it is OK.  And don’t obligate yourself to something unless you really want to do it from your heart and soul.  

So what to do with those extra few minutes you just freed up….I like to take a walk, take a breath, read a book, pull some weeds, or cut some flowers for a vase.  Do whatever makes your heart sing.  Do what you had been wanting to do.

Once you start and stick with it, you will be amazed at the time you can carve out for yourself.  I think we are all worth, at least, an hour to ourselves a day, and even more if you can manage it.  



Do you set aside time in your day for you?  What bits of wisdom do you have for helping to simplify your life?



A Simple Vase


Recently we had dear friends over for lunch, and I picked these flowers that were still blooming.  Amazing what nature provides.  



Hydrangeas and lavender still blooming in mid-November.  Cut for a simple vase, gracing the table of a simple meal with great friends.  I know my vase is not right out of my current garden, but with the snow flying that would be impossible.


I am joining Cathy@Rambling in the Garden for her wonderful In A Vase on Monday meme. The pictures shared here were created with my iPod Touch camera and two free apps, Pixlr and Prisma

I am posting poetry, almost weekly on Sundays, on my other blog, Living From Happiness.  You can read my latest poem here.


All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2017.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.