Seasonal Celebrations Revealed-Spring 2014

IMG_3243“I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden.”   Ruth Stout



Do you wish upon a star?  Or maybe on a coin thrown into a wishing well?  Do you still make a wish before you blow out the candles on a birthday cake?  No.  Maybe you don’t believe that wishes will come true.  But without our intention put out on the wind, how can we ever hope that our wish will be heard.  OK, yes I am a dreamer with my headIMG_3107 in the clouds, but I believe in wishes as they express my dreams and desires.

As I child, wishes were an important part of my days as I wandered through meadow and wood.  The dreams they expressed were an important part of my playtime.  And I have never forgotten to wish and dream even as an adult.  It brings wonderful memories of days gone by, and equally wonderful possibilities for the future.


“Who bends a knee where violets grow a hundred secret things shall know.”  ~Rachel Field


This time of year, I have many wishes about my garden, and my life.  All is renewed and starting over painting new pictures.  What may bloom, who will visit and make a home in the garden are just but a few of these garden dreams.  And this spring my mantra is all about experiencing every sense I have through my garden.  Drinking in these sensations is like wishes thrown into the wind coming back someday to rest in my garden.



So let’s see what wishes, dreams and thoughts folks have for celebrating the new season…. 



 Holley@Roses and Other Gardening Dreams is pruning her roses in anticipation of a spring bloom.

“This year I was trying hard to prune all my roses within a few days.  I wanted all my roses to come into their peak all around the same time, and I thought the odds of that happening would be much greater if I pruned all my roses within a short time frame.  Visions of my garden in full bloom filled my mind.  That’s why a chore – pruning – is a celebration I look forward to all winter.”

I am hopeful that Holley’s roses will come into their own and bless her garden with their amazing blooms this spring.





And Pam@Pam’s English Cottage Garden is celebrating subtle signs of spring that are putting hope into her heart.  She is seeing new growth, hearing more birdsong and surprisingly noticed mosquito larvae in her bird bath.  And what a delight she found a bloom already under the melting snow:

“For me this little, budding snowdrop reaffirms that the change from winter to spring is about hope. This is cause to celebrate. I know it is going to be a wonderful new gardening season!”

I completely agree with Pam as the rebirth of our gardens is upon us.




With the frigid temps and constant storms KL@Beautiful Boonton and A Novice Gardener is thinking winter will never loosen its grip.  But wait…what is that she is hearing:

“…things are stirring up, waking up and that also creates a flutter in my soul. Something happens inside me and which is very difficult to describe; I get the feeling that something big and profound will happen; I feel like dancing and rejoicing and sucking up every ounce that life can offer before death overtakes me. Thus, I rush to plant in more seeds, order more plants, read more gardening-books and browse more catalogs and wait for that something unknown but beautiful to knock on my door.”

Like KL, my soul is fluttering and waking slowly with spring.  I just spotted a red-winged blackbird in the wild area yesterday.  Watch out winter, spring is here so it is time to let go and rest your mighty wind, cold and snow for another year.





Beth@PlantPostings is taking stock of her garden noticing more plants and animals that have survived her brutal winter.  Her elegant prose about the changing of the season left me contemplating as well:

“The crossroad of winter and spring is a fascinating place–where last autumn’s leaves, winter’s melting ice and snow, spring’s new plant growth, and other mixed media from nature come together.”

As each square inch of snow recedes, I too search the bare patches taking stock of my garden in spring.



Cathy@Words and Herbs has created a fun way to celebrate spring.  She is making edible Flower Pot Cakes.  They look like real flower pots, and she decorates them with real flowers and gummy worms.  I love it when folks come up with such creative ways to celebrate the seasons especially when you can mix food and gardening.  Thanks Cathy for this great idea.



I love the change of seasons.  They are not just another day, but a time to celebrate a passing in our gardens.  

Thank you all who joined in the Seasonal Celebration of spring.  I hope you will join me this summer for the next Seasonal Celebration.  It will start June 1st.





The snowdrop and primrose our woodlands adorn, and violets bathe in the wet o’ the morn.  ~Robert Burns 





 ****All pictures are of my favorite hyacinths from early spring gardens of years before.  Can you see my first bloom above?  It is growing where a patch of earth showed itself yesterday in front of the front porch.  Right now spring has sprung with one bloom in my garden.****


Next up on the blog:  Monday I will have another native plant profile.

I hope you will join me for my posts once a month at Beautiful Wildlife Garden. See my latest post on April 1st.

I can also be found blogging once a month at Vision and Verb.  I hope you enjoy my latest post.  Next post is March 27th.


I am also joining in I Heart Macro with Laura@Shine The Divine that happens every Saturday.

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2014.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.