“They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ~Andy Warhol
I look forward to this time of year, trying not to waste a day with spring and summer. But unfortunately the weather has been insane. Warm temps for a day or two in the 70s and then plummeting for days into the 40s with snow and cold rain. Hard to get anything done outside or even walk for any length of time. But yet, I continue to get out and connect with nature even when she howls.

With a cold spring, the bulbs are delayed. Not even my one hellebore is blooming yet. But daffs are almost blooming. Small bulbs that I thought I had lost are finding a way through or around the landscape fabric and stone. And they are finally blooming profusely. Perhaps I will be here long enough into the future to see them spreading throughout the garden bed and grass.

Even though this Easter felt more like the end of March with snow and cold, I picked a few to make a couple of vases. Spring is coming along even though she seems to be kicking and screaming her way in.

Puschkinia and Scilla in this vase. With five different colors of Glory of the Snow in the other. With these vases, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.

And change isn’t just coming to my garden with the seasons. It is coming to my blogs as well. A big part of me for a long time, the last 12 years to be exact, has been blogging. Although blogging for me waned a bit over the past few years, I have felt a growing connection to blogging, and a shift coming with my blogs.

I am currently culling both my blogs, and actually getting ready to release them both. I am pulling the content slowly and retaining it for possibly more books. In early summer (July), I will be introducing a new blog that will combine my love of gardening, nature, poetry, writing and creating. Some of the garden blog content will reside there. I am still in the early planning stages, but it feels right to revamp and let go so I can move on to what is coming on my journey. I will keep you updated here and on social media as changes and plans become more solidified.
Thank you all for your readership over the years, and I hope you will join me this summer on my new blog.

I spied the pussy willows blooming this week, and drawing in early bees. That made my heart glad to realize spring, albeit a cold early spring, really is here.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2022. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
Spring is a delightful time of the year. I find her to be flirtacious, coming and going at a whim. Mind you, on this side of the world, some of our bulbs are starting to emerge from the ground – in early autumn. which worries me.
Good luck with your new venture into the blogosphere.
Sometimes one just has to dust everything and figure our what is worth maintaining.
Exactly. It will be interesting
I love the pale blue Puschkinia, which isn’t a bulb I feel I’ve any chance of growing in my climate.
Best wishes with the transition of your blog materials – I hope you find a way to reinvigorate your interest in the medium. Blogging in general seems to be dying out and I’ve been questioning my own efforts there, although I still prefer it to Instagram.
Puschkinia are so beautiful. Thanks for your support for the changes I am hoping to make.
Two of my favourites spring flowers… some of the first to open and such pretty shades of blue.
Love those early blue bulbs!
Change is exciting, and I’m glad we’re collaborating on the book. Looking forward to your website updates! Thanks for your patience with me. I promise to be more attentive after June. 😉
Oh my beautiful friend I know you are so busy right now. I wish I could be at the Fling but health issues are keeping me home. We will celebrate our collaboration in person one day!!
Big changes indeed! Looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds. Love the Puschkinia! Such a pretty color.
Thanks so much. Those dainty striped flowers are such a favorite of mine.