“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” ~Walter C. Hagen
Lots finally growing although not quite blooming. In my old garden I had a succession of blooms, but here I am restricted so I wait. Plants, bushes, seeds all moving slowly, but progressing.

The Japanese maple is fully leafed out and looking gorgeous in the orange colors. You can see it setting seeds at the top of the post.

My Korean lilac and allium still slowly opening the flowers…can’t wait.

Lavender also setting flowers so will have some flowers soon for vases.

Morning glory as well as sweet peas pictured above which will climb quickly up the trellis. I also planted lots of seeds for zinnia, cosmos, sunflower and nasturtium. As well as California poppy, nigella and calendula that reseeded in the beds and were planted in containers. These will take many weeks before I see blooms so need to get some annual flowers from the nursery to put in my containers this week.

Veggies are coming along especially with the heat wave although slugs are eating some of my lettuces to a nub.

Radishes are getting fatter. We have to net them to keep the bunnies away.

With a lull in blooms, my husband brought home some flowers for a vase.

These carnations are such a lovely double pink.

They are lasting a long time.
With this vase, I am joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.