“We have strayed off course and need to find our way again. An old pathway, overgrown and forgotten, is waiting impatiently to lead us back home.” ~Mary Reynolds, from The Garden Awakening
I have been looking for this pathway for quite a long time now. Knowing I was just not in the right spot to hear my heart sing. But I kept looking for new directions outside my comfort zone. And as I got closer to the forgotten pathway, I noticed wonderful people around me and the wonder of nature giving me added guidance. I know I am close. It is just a little up ahead and to the left, maybe.
As I move forward around the overgrowth and tree roots, I see my inner child, Donna Marie, beckoning me to hurry up and come on. She is skipping too fast for this crone woman. So she waits for me to catch up. She has a play house ready for us with art supplies….lots of time to explore with paint, and crayons and pastels. Of course she will want to dig in the dirt (gardening, I call it), and explore the trees, birds, flowers and bugs (nature).

She loves the flowers around her. The ones I know to plant that bring us both joy, like pansies.

And daffodils holding onto the rain.

She is in wonder of the trees as they begin to leaf out….a beautiful chartreuse color.

And we watch the bunnies scurry, and sometimes she will see me scold one or two for eating plants not meant for them.

She squeals with delight as flower seeds grow and veggie seeds mean yummy salads soon. She was never too keen about salads, but loved them once she started growing her own.

I am feeling on firmer ground these days as Donna Marie and I walk hand in hand. She wanted me to show you some of our latest colored pages from the last several weeks as we continue to work on #the100dayproject. Some may be repeats but we are both proud of our work. I will confess I find myself opening my, oops I mean our, coloring book several times throughout the day to color more and more. Totally absorbed and at peace.

Since we both love flowers, I have been cutting a few blooms here and there to bring in and put on our desk. This way we see them when we color, when we journal and when we read or write. A perfect inspiration for creating. In the vase you can see a few mini daffodils, Siberian squill and puschkinia all still hanging in there as the weather cooled down.

I also had to cut a few of the other lovely daffs and a rich plum purple-colored hyacinth.

Here they are in the garden facing the south western sun. I love the color combo so much. A few new blooms are showing themselves as we walk slowly down this old pathway I love so much. I am sure they will find their way into a few vases next week.
With this week’s lovely vases, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2023. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.