“Build it, tend it, enjoy it. And when the time comes let it go.” ~Jack Kornfield
I am assessing and enjoying the new garden as spring dawns. It has been a tough spring with surprises, losses and some victories. Even though I have been complaining about the weather, really, the truth is every spring the weather is horrible, unpredictable. Actually it is crazy from winter through spring. So no point in complaining too much about it.

So what is going on. Many bulbs came back. Those I couldn’t find are now blooming in the lawn due to the reduced garden beds. Maybe I will see their progression as they naturalize. Others have found cracks or separations in the landscape fabric. And the landscapers did not cover all the garden bed area especially along the edges so bulbs I planted at edges are back. The bulbs I planted in a big pot are not showing any signs of growth. My bet is the container needs more than a day or 2 here or there of warmer weather. If they do not bloom, I am sure I can find other plants to fill the large round pot.

All the plants I moved that were left in the garden beds seem to have survived. Iris, some hosta had heuchera in the north facing containers seemed to do well too. But many in the front containers did not survive or are still not showing if they will. Hydrangea, sage, thyme and rose seem delayed. I hope they do come back.
Coneflower, English primrose did not survive. All in the containers seemed fine in February and started growing when we had a warm spell. Unfortunately the insulating snow on top of the containers melted just when the temps plunged to near or below zero. Then more snow. Plants that did survive will now be growing from the roots. Others were killed from the extreme temperature shifts and too wet roots.

So now I am deciding what to plant in the containers that will survive the extreme temperature shifts, the change in sunlight (reduction) as the seasons change and will welcome moist soil for long stretches. Gardening is always a challenge. But I do so love a good challenge.
In the large front containers I am thinking of adding some ground cover to insulate the container shrubs. Many other containers, I will be using for some spring, summer and fall annuals. Flowers like zinnia, cosmos, dahlia, gladiolas, nigella, nasturtium to name a few.
This will be a slow process of assessing the containers throughout the seasons especially with the perennials as I have used containers for mostly annuals in the past.

For now most of the color in the garden is from small bulbs, and pansies and violas in containers I interspersed throughout the garden.

Usually my first containers out are my big antique containers. I love seeing them flank the garage.

And I love to add a few small containers to the sidewalk area.

I was excited to see several golden trumpet style daffodils finally bloom. I did not plant these daffodils. The ones I planted were a hybrid of the golden trumpet daffodils, but they seemed to have reverted back. But regardless the scent and sight brought me joy. I cut half as I wanted a few in the garden.

With this vase I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2022. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.