Seasonal Celebrations Revealed: March 2016


“Too much sun after a Syracuse winter does strange things to your head, makes you feel strong, even if you aren’t.”  ~ Laurie Halse Anderson



I couldn’t resist this quote since I live about 15 minutes away from Syracuse, NY in Central New York State.  Here our winters are usually snowy, cold and harsh.  And even with a milder winter, it still is a cold, gray time.  But I do like winter, really I do.

As the seasons shift, you can feel a change quite literally in the air.  A feeling that descends on the garden DSCN3580as spring approaches; a distinct, perceptible transformation.  One you know deep in your bones.  Early bulbs bravely bloom, and the songbirds return to stake a claim, and a home.  And even though spring has sprung here with cold and a dusting of snow this week, I know it is just a last gasp of winter trying to hang on a bit longer.

No matter, it will transition later this week, getting much warmer than normal….50 instead of 40.  And I will need to get out, clean up and start my chores including early planting.  That is if I can get my garden to dry a bit more.  We have continued to have so much rain, you just sink right down.  

So as I wait for the garden to dry out, I am celebrating spring with other bloggers who have linked in for Seasonal Celebrations.  I started this meme in the spring of 2012, and I am so grateful for all who have participated over the last 4 years.  But I have been thinking about moving beyond this meme for at least a year now.  And with the change of season, it seems right to end Seasonal Celebrations this spring as it started 4 years ago.  I know seasons will continue to play prominently in my life, and have deep meaning.  And don’t be surprised if the stories they sing crop up in another form that I will share.


So for this last round-up, let’s see how the new season is arriving……





Let’s start with Jean up in Maine.  Her blog, Jean’s Garden, is always a delight, full of interesting posts.  And Jean’s spring celebration post is no exception.  I love Maple Sugar Season here in the Northeast, and Jean gives us a wonderful up close visit to this spring ritual.


Each March, Maine maple syrup producers celebrate the spring bounty on Maine Maple Sunday. This is always held on the fourth Sunday of the month. On that date, farmers open their sugarhouses (the out-buildings where evaporators convert sap into syrup) to the public and make lots of delicious maple sugar products available to them.


If you ever get the chance to attend a Maple Sugar festival, make sure to go.  It is a wonderful way to celebrate spring, and have a delicious time while you are at it.  I hope one day to attend that Maple Sugar Sunday in Maine.




Next it is time to move on down the east coast to see Pam, who lives in the Pocono Mountains in DSCN2428Pennsylvania.  She blogs at Pam’s English Cottage Garden.  Pam celebrated spring by attending the  Philadelphia Flower Show, with this year’s theme, ‘Explore America: One Hundred Years of our National Park Service.  Her post is wonderful showing so many incredible displays.


We traveled into Philadelphia by train, checked into a hotel, and had two days of ‘blooming’ fun. While I celebrated the unofficial start of spring at the Philadelphia Flower Show, back home spring arrived early to my garden. I usually force forsythia branches into bloom and purchase tulips or hyacinths, but never before had daffodils and hellabores this early.


Spring is a wee bit early here too, Pam.  I must get to this flower show, a mere 5 hours away by car.  Perhaps one year soon we can meet up there, and enjoy the show together.  I say we make a date Pam!





And now we’ll travel to Georgia to visit with Karin@Southern Meadows.  She lives on several acres of woodland that she lovingly gardens and cares for.  And her early native bloomers are a special treasure.  


As soon as March rolls around I make a habit of walking our woodland garden daily. The birds are singing high in the tree tops, the air smells of the earth and many ephemerals are beginning to poke up out of the leaf litter.


And these native spring ephemerals are a treasure for me too.  I look forward to their limited bloom time, cherishing each moment.  You can see two in this post.  The one at the beginning of the round-up is Trout Lily, and this one is Bloodroot.





Lastly, let’s travel to Wisconsin and see Beth@PlantPostings, who collaborates with me, during this seasonal time, with her Garden Lessons Learned meme.

Beth returned from a trip to see her wonderful spring bulbs blooming to greet her upon her return.


Look what greeted me when I returned: The 200+ Colorblends bulbs I planted last fall are emerging and beginning to bloom!…..I planted most of them in the sheltered, warmer microclimate area by my rock wall. It will be fun to see more of them blooming during the next few weeks…..I’m happy to be home to enjoy these first colorful, magical signs of spring!


It is always a wonderful sight to see spring finally blooming in our colder gardens, Beth’s and mine!  And using microclimates is a must as Beth has taught us.  


As this is the last Seasonal Celebrations wrap up, I wanted to take a moment to thank Beth for all her support, and for collaborating with me these past 4 years as we each highlighted the change of seasons in our memes.  I couldn’t have done it without her.  Thanks so much Beth!





So there you have it, the Seasonal Celebrations for March.  Whether it be spring or fall where you are, so much beauty and lovely thoughts shared by these amazing bloggers.  I want to thank those who were able to take part this season, and I hope you will visit their blogs.  




In A Vase On Monday 




I wanted to share the rest of my Paperwhites blooming, as I await warmer weather to coax the flowers to bloom more.  Here we have both ‘Ariel’ and ‘Winterthur’, which is pictured in the center and taller.  They have a yellow center when they first open and a milder scent. 




paperwhites and dried hydrangeas

I placed the Paperwhites in a bottle, and put them in a special basket I bought almost 30 years ago in the Southwest from a wonderful crafter.  I then surrounded them with dried hydrangeas I picked last fall.  I rather like the effect showing me the end of winter, and the beginning of spring.





Speaking of spring, I decided to pick several large crocus that are blooming as singles around the side garden.  The wonderful drifts are long gone thanks to the voles.  And with the cold weather this week, I thought it better to have them blooming indoors for me.




purple early spring vase collage

Also included in the vase are a few blossoms of Iris reticulata ‘Purple Gem’ blooming in the front garden, and a few left over coleus blooms from a plant I bought last summer, and overwintered indoors.


I am joining in with a few memes this week as I prepare these vases:  Cathy@Rambling in the Garden for her wonderful meme, In a Vase on Monday, Today’s Flowers hosted by Denise@An English Girl Rambles 2016 and Judith@Lavender Cottage who hosts Mosaic Monday.



Next up on the blog:  

Monday, I will have another Simply The Best Native plant to highlight.

I am linking in with Michelle for her Nature Notes meme at her blog, Rambling Woods.  It is a great way to see what is happening in nature around the world every Monday. 


All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2016.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.