Seasonal Celebrations-Spring Awakens

DSCN5790 “An optimist is the human personification of spring.”   ~ Susan J. Bissonette



I know many folks are feeling that they can’t wait for spring, and they wish it would hurry up.  As I don’t want to hurry up life, I have decided to embrace each moment of each day in each season….even if it means I have to wait another month for spring to arrive in my garden.  And I do understand the gardener’s obsession with needing to be out in the garden, planting and watching new growth emerge in spring….new flowers to bring us joy.

In many places now, spring is starting to take a foothold.  But not for a while here in the Northeast US. DSCN0035 Generally where I live we don’t see spring until mid to late March as it takes a while for the snow to melt.  And this year it may take longer as this has been the coldest winter on record.  So consequently the snow is not melting.  None of it.  And the Juncos (like this male pictured here) are scavenging the snow below the suet feeders for any droppings.

It can be hard to see other gardeners showing their flowers and plants, and rejoicing about their gardens waking up when all you see is white.  But truthfully I am happy they are seeing spring because I know it will be here soon too.  And we can all start to celebrate our new season as it awakens.  And that is why I love doing this meme, Seasonal Celebrations.  It is a chance for all of us to ring in the next season.


DSCN6502It is wonderful to notice the signs of the new season.  With the coming of spring, I will begin to notice more critter activity.  The sun is already rising and setting in different spots on the horizon.  And the daylight lingers longer and longer now.  But it is the birds that really show spring is coming.  They start to return or become more active….and they sing.  Oh do they sing.

While woodpeckers and nuthatches visit the suet feeders all winter, many more woodpeckers come back to find a hollowed out tree to raise their young.  One that we love to see return, to nest, is the Pileated Woodpecker (male pictured here).  Their drilling sound is unmistakable.



DSCN6376We are being visited by a few Eastern Bluebirds (male pictured here) weekly now.  They are my favorite, and I love to see them return to the garden looking for a nesting spot even this early.  The House Sparrows are also looking for a birdhouse or 2 to settle into.  And while the Cardinals (female pictured at the top of the post) are around all winter, they too are coming into the garden more.  





DSCN6053I do look forward to the Robins (female pictured here) returning from their local wintering groups, as they search for nesting areas.  But my true harbinger of spring is the Red-winged Blackbird.  I have a special poem on my other blog, on Sunday, about this bird that harkens in spring.





DSCN7684And soon we will see flocks of Canada Geese returning with the Blue Herons and the local Sparrows all looking for nesting sites.  And as spring marches forward the Baltimore Orioles (female pictured here) return along with the Hummingbirds.  It will be no time at all before I have to put up the Oriole and Hummingbird feeders for those early scouts.





DSCN8047And one of my favorite spring birds is the Cedar Waxwing (male pictured here).  They return in mid spring in large groups when it is warmer.  They are such fun to watch, especially in and around the pond.  I will have a critter post, on Thursday on my other blog, celebrating these wonderful birds.

And I will be counting down how long it takes for the pond to thaw this year as it is covered with ice and 4 feet of snow.  It is amazing how fast the garden thaws once spring really gets started.  And I begin to thaw too.



My spring mantra:

As spring begins to yawn and awaken from her deep sleep, I will be living each and every moment I can enveloped in her beauty.  From the rain, to the warm breezes and even the blips of cold and snow that will still show up.  I intend to watch spring slowly step into the here and now….from my indoor windows, my gazebo and under the outstretched limbs of my trees.

And like this baby Bluebird, as it begins to stretch its wings and learn to fly, so will I too….I have grand plans for spring.  The veg garden, the planting of annuals and containers, filling vases with glorious blooms and green leafy foliage and the rebirth of many areas of the garden…..and I am sure there will be a few screams when I finally see what damage the voles did this year.




A promise is a cloud; fulfilment is rain.  ~ Arabian Proverb






As I observe spring awakening, and celebrate this new season, I hope you will join in the celebration. I welcome those Down Under who will be celebrating the coming of autumn to join in too.  

All you have to do is write a post between now and March 22nd telling me how you are celebrating the new season.  Then leave a comment on this post with your link so I can include your link in my summary post on March 23rd.  

I do hope you will consider joining in celebrating the new season in your corner of the world.

And as always, I will be collaborating with Beth@Plant Postings and her Lessons Learned meme at this same time.  What lessons have you learned this past season of winter here in the North and summer in the South.  Write a separate post or combine your lessons with your celebrations for one post.


Next up on the blog:  

Monday will be time to review the February Garden.  And Thursday I will have another wildlife post on my new blog, Living From Happiness.  I’ll be spotlighting the wonderful Cedar Waxwing.

 I am linking in this post with Saturday’s Critters hosted by Eileen@Viewing nature with Eileen that happens every Saturday.

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2015.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.