Gardens Eye Journal-June 2015


“Queer things happen in the garden in May.  Little faces forgotten appear, and plants thought to be dead suddenly wave a green hand to confound you.”  ~W.E. Johns



With each garden season, I am left with miracles that fill my days.  And with the end of May, I cannot get over how much we have accomplished in the garden, and how much is left to do.  As June starts, the garden hopefully heats up and kicks into ‘high gear’ with flowers, fruits and vegetables….if the weather cooperates that is!

DSCN3849As I had little time to weed in May, June is the time I hoping to work on this for several weeks as long as there is enough rain to keep the soil soft.  Of course I could pick the horsetail weed (the feathery plant shown covering this garden) until I collapse and it will never go away, but once it is picked, I can use it as  mulch on the same gardens it swallows up.  

So lets take a look at the gardens in May.  I am joining Helen@The Patient Gardener’s Weblog for her End of Month View as I look back at my May garden.






Mornings in May dawned spectacular as if the horizon was on fire.  And the same weather roller coaster, we were on in April, continued in May.  Heat into the low 90s the first 2 weeks with no rain….none…nada!  Then rain, cold frost, heat, rain, cool….and on and on for the last 2 weeks!  

And once the rain flowed the garden grew, even the flower seeds I planted.  Of course the weeds took hold and oh my what a jungle there is now.  Well I am not showing too many weeds…who wants to see weeds. 




Garden Views

Let’s start in the front garden…..

front garden may

The bulbs are gone, the weeds are up and the ground covers are blooming….a couple of different moss phlox or Phlox subulata, and in the center is creeping Veronica ‘Waterperry Blue’ which I love.  It looks dead after winter, but takes heat, extreme winter conditions and blooms every year.  If the voles wouldn’t dig up so much of my garden, it would be growing in bigger drifts.  But thankfully they did not mess with the Geranium macrorhizum ‘Bevan’s Variety’ which is at the top of the post.

Yes the voles did some damage again, this time in the small left hand part of this garden close to the edges where the ground covers are….the ground covers now are missing in places and only small chunks remain.  And where plants are dug up, weeds come in, and now I have much more weeding to do here thanks to 2 years of vole digging.




shade garden

One of my favorite gardens, in spring, is the Shade Garden against the northwest back of the house.  Our air conditioner unit is here.  I think I counted 15 different native plants growing here as well as non-native ferns, hosta, Bergenia, Brunnera, Pulmonaria and my mistakenly planted Houttuynia cordata or Chameleon plant ground cover.  The picture on the left is beginning of May and left is later in May as hosta emerged.  The voles are in this bed too and they have hacked up some of the larger hosta into smaller pieces….which isn’t too bad since I was going to divide these hosta anyway.

I have to move some of the Mayapple; the tall stand on the far side of the air conditioner.  And I need to move some Brunnera.  I want to add in more native ferns and hide the air conditioner more.  Of course I need to continue to pull out the Chameleon plant as well to keep it controlled.  I would rather have a native ground cover here…live and learn.




may natives

Lots of early natives grow in May (moving top left clockwise are):  Zizia aurea or Golden Alexanders (with the pink lily of the valley), Asclepias syriaca or Common MilkweedUvularia grandiflora or Merrybells, Dodecatheon meadia or Shooting StarGeranium maculatum or Wild GeraniumTradescantia ohiensis or Spiderwort.  Many others were up in April due to the heat that started then.





Of course this native, Toxicodendron radicans, was growing more than we have ever seen.  This is the dreaded poison ivy growing around the trees in the Center Garden and even growing in the front garden.





Also behind the Gazebo and in the Center Garden are the various Epimediums that bloom now even in between the weeds.





And my large collection of alliums started blooming in late May.  I can never get enough of these flowers.




unexpected flowers

I also had a few surprises.  The top tulip bloomed after 8 years of dormancy.  I planted tulips, and they came up one year and never again until this year.  This one lone tulip was brave to resurface.  And I found the bottom species tulip growing along the patio.  Of course the biggest surprise was the pink flowers.  This is part of a small Flowering Almond shrub.  The surprise is this shrub was removed 5 years ago.  Apparently a bit of the root remained and decided to grow again.  So there is nothing that isn’t possible it seems….I do believe, I do, I do, I do (thanks Cowardly Lion for this mantra).





This is the back lawn of the abandoned house next door and with their bumper crop of dandelions, I am inundated.  I don’t mine some, but I don’t want them taking over my garden as they are now.  I am hoping to get ahead of these somehow…they are seeding everywhere now.




unknown tree

Lastly, I found this tree (or shrub) growing in my back hosta garden.  It is now about 4 feet tall and was not planted by us.  We have no idea what it is….does anyone recognize this plant?





pond may

In early May, the lily pads were up and we were awaiting the water lily flowers.  And the long stems of cattails were growing center right along with foliage of native iris,on the left, that love water.





By the end of May, the water lilies and irises were blooming profusely due to all the hot weather.





Green frogs (top left) are still ruling in the pond although we are hearing the tree frogs around the pond at night.  And the peepers were still calling well into late May.  But the big surprise is the toads.  They have been calling from late afternoon until morning.  This is the first time we have had toads mating in our pond.  A most interesting call.





The meadow was putting on lots of growth in early May.  The prominent weed that we were pulling all month was Yellow Rocket or Barbarea vulgaria.




meadow late may

And as May ended, the meadow was in glorious bloom.  I have never seen so many native blue lupines.  They have increased each year over the last 5 years.  I just let them die back, and go to seed.  These natives will pop their seeds all over the area even into the back gardens.  And the daisies are blooming even more so this year along with yellow blooms of Golden Alexanders or Zizia aurea that are also filling in.




Indoor Gardening

seed collage

I thought I would give you a peek at the indoor seed starting station that was just emptied this past week.  Tomatoes were transplanted, in mid May, into larger containers but they soon outgrew those too.  I need even bigger pots I think.  Herbs, peppers and squashes were growing nicely inside.  And I was able to salvage a few eggplants and loads of flowers.  I was finally able to transplant the veggies into the garden.  We are in a cold snap again so I have delayed planting my flowers seedlings until this week.  I am exhausted, and I hope the warm weather veggies will be able to handle these crazy weather extremes.  I’ll update these plants at the end of June.





May critters

And here are the critters that came to the garden in May.  As the trees leafed out in early May, I heard the distinct song of the Baltimore Oriole and his lovely mate (top left and right).  Coming a day later were the hummingbirds (lower left), and the Catbirds (center) a week later.  Finches, like this Goldfinch, were gorging on the dandelion seeds.  I need hundreds of birds to take care of the overabundance of dandelion we have this year.





And right on cue around Memorial Day, the Cedar Waxwings returned.  Unfortunately our pond pump broke so they moved on….they like to bathe in the waterfall.  A few have been back as we replaced the pump.  No sign of the wrens this year though.  A few butterflies have dashed about, but not too many as the weather has not stabilized yet.





My bamboo Mason Bee House is finally getting some use.  We noticed in early May that bees were checking it out.  In no time, several tubes were filled nestling eggs inside.  I can’t wait to see them leaving after hatching.

I will have a follow-up about the rabbit’s nest on Thursday on my new blog, Living From Happiness.  I hope you will join me!  And I hope you will join me for my meme, Seasonal Celebrations, as summer is just around the corner….a perfect time to celebrate…..details are below!


So there you have my May garden.  What’s happening in your garden?




As I feel summer’s call, and celebrate this new season, I hope you will join in the celebration. I welcome those Down Under who will be celebrating the coming of winter to join in too.  

All you have to do is write a post between now and June 21st telling me how you are celebrating the new season.  Then leave a comment on this post with your link so I can include your link in my summary post on June 22nd.  

I do hope you will consider joining in the Seasonal Celebrations meme as we celebrate the new season in your corner of the world.

And as always, I will be collaborating with Beth@Plant Postings and her Lessons Learned meme at this same time.  What lessons have you learned this past season of spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.  Write a separate post or combine your lessons with your Celebrations for one post.


In A Vase On Monday 




I was happy to have a few lilacs to use, and the last of the dwarf bearded iris or Iris pumila for this vase.  Both were fading as the hot weather returned.




lilac vase

I love the stark contrast between the white and dark burgundy and purple.





Iris pumila in 2 contrasting colors are displayed in my mother-in-law’s Homer Laughlin china sugar bowl.  I used the creamer in another vase.  The china set is from the 1940s and aptly named, Cosmos.  I also added a few sprigs of Epimedium flowers to the arrangement.




dwarf bearded iris vase

These irises are beautiful pale colors that are so dreamy especially the light ice blue variety.




And lastly the Aquilegia or columbines are blooming at the end of May.  Not many, but there were a few smaller Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Nora Barlow’, my favorite, in bloom.  So I snipped some, and added one of the curly plum-colored pansies.


I am joining in with a few memes this week as I prepare this vase:  Cathy@Rambling in the Garden for her wonderful meme, In a Vase on Monday, Today’s Flowers hosted by Denise@An English Girl Rambles and Judith@Lavender Cottage who hosts Mosaic Monday.


Next up on the blog:  

Next Monday, I will have a combined Tree Following and Simply The Best post profiling my American Linden Tree.  

I am linking in with Michelle for her Nature Notes meme at her new blog just for Nature Notes.  It is a great way to see what is happening in nature around the world every Tuesday. 



I am also joining in I Heart Macro with Laura@Shine The Divine that happens every Saturday.

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2015.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only. 

111 Replies to “Gardens Eye Journal-June 2015”

  1. You have some lovely things flowering, not least the epimediums and that gorgeous species tulip. I do so sympathise about the weeds. We have the same problems perhaps.. a large garden and lack of time. They’re on my hit list for June too… the weather looks to be warming up here at last!!

    1. Any tulip is a rare treat for me although I am hoping to change that with another cutting bed in fall. I feel better knowing I am not alone with weeds….we can encourage each other on this month Jessica as we get at them!

  2. Donna, after your cold winter, look at you now! An abundance of flowers and three vases to display your bounty. I can never get enough of the irises. There was a bumper crop of dandelions along our roadsides this spring–the cold must have given them courage.

    1. Susie, I am so addicted to vases I am making them all week and snapping photos to show later perhaps….my irises are very plentiful as I grow many kinds, but the heat or cold certainly can make them fade fast….I am sure we will have more dandelions blooming this year so I might just pick a posy with them for fun.

    1. I know Deb and appreciate when folks comment after such a long post….just wrapping up the May garden can take so much out of a reader let alone anything else I add! 😀

  3. What a beautiful post, so much is happening there in your gardens. Beautiful colors and lovely blooms. The birds and frogs are great, I love the critters. And your sky shot is gorgeous. Beautiful images and mosaics.

    Enjoy your Monday and have a happy week ahead!

  4. I feel your pain when it comes to the house next door. I solved my problem with my next door neighbor by offering to “spruce up” the flower bed that straddles our property line. He was thrilled that someone else would do the work. Now I have incorporated plants that are suitable for the area and removed the invasive ones that were creeping into my garden. Maybe you could mow the dandelions while still blooming and it will slow the seeds somewhat.

    1. Oh I wish I could Paula, but it would be trespassing and we have been warned not to do anything to the property as the bank owns the property now due to the owners abandoning it….and it is only 10 years old. The bank occasionally has someone mow but not in enough time to stem the dandelions. So we have to live with it for now. I love your solution with your neighbor!

  5. What a lovely look back at May, Donna! There have been so many surprises in your garden! Your pond is so lively this year! I would love to hear the chorus of the frogs and toads. Wishing you sunny days in June! ♡

    1. Thanks Dawn…..the frogs were a bonus as I wanted the sound of water in the garden never thinking the frogs would thank us too with their songs! Have a wonderful week ahead!

  6. you have been busy Donna, I love the sunrise photo, your meadow is beautiful, I love the blue lupin/white daisy combination, the horsetails are up in my garden too, oh would that our nice plants grew as persistently, you have some nice blooms in your garden, I love your water iris, Frances

    1. Thanks so much Frances…I keep thinking the same thing…could my flowers bloom as profusely as my flowers! I look forward to seeing your beautiful yellow lupins….

  7. You do realize that you have the makings of a book with these fabulous posts. Your work is done. Your writing feels intimate and poetic along with your photos is a wonderful approach from the life of a gardener with her garden. I wish you would play around with this idea. I had a site that let you print your blog, which I was interested in doing. I bet you can find something to let you upload your posts into a format you can then tweak. I’m here cheering you on with this idea.

    1. I have long thought about it Stepheny….can you send me the link if you have it…love to play with the idea again. And thanks for your cheerleading and support!

  8. You have so many wonderful photos of your beautiful plants and garden. The sunrise photo is so beautiful and I love your bug hotel, that is really cool! Your meadow looks so pretty with all the different flowers, the birds and bees must love it. It is sad that you have a problem next door and will get all their weed seeds, what a shame!

    1. Thanks Pauline! Yes the critters do love the meadow as much as we do….some of my neighbors don’t understand why we let our back property grow wild and we don’t mow it….they are not gardeners and don’t understand what a meadow is or how pretty it can be!

  9. It all looks terrific – especially (to my eye) the uvularia and the wildflower area with the lupins. And all this in spite of the activity of those voles! I don’t know how you do it! I share your dandelion problem – it doesn’t work mowing them, all it improves it, because you have to mow every 3 days or so – they hide their heads and pop up when you’re not looking. My ‘vase’ vote goes for the first because every single element is perfection (and especially that gorgeous green vase!)

    1. Yes I agree mowing dandelions is not effective as my husband is learning…so glad you enjoyed the garden and vases Cathy!

  10. You have created some effective graphic treatments here. I can certainly empathize with the damage caused by voles (in our case, gophers). They can turn an otherwise mild mannered gardener into a wild-eyed beast. And weeding! Don’t get me started.

    1. I had to laugh rickii at the image of the wild-eyed beast….I can become one and then have to step back although not where the veg garden is concerned…there I take no prisoners….that is my hard earned food!

  11. Two things that really struck me were the waterlilies and the meadow garden in flower. The lupins are just glorious! I grew some lupins from seed last year for the first time and am really enjoying the appearance of the first lupin flowers.
    I have been dying to make a mason bee house for some time. It is exciting to read that your mason bee hotel already has guests.

    1. Lupins just are amazing when they flower….I love the look of lupins and baptisia….both just glorious in flower. The mason bee house is fun to watch and it did take them a while to find it…have fun if you build one and enjoy those lupins.

  12. Wow, Donna, your garden is exploding with blooms! Maybe all that snow is reaping its rewards. I love the photos of the pond and the toads. Your bouquets are beautiful. I love the contrast between those dark Iris and the white lilacs. (Lilacs are another plant that are virtually impossible to grow in my area of SoCal.) The fluffy Iris pumila in the sugar bowl are also charming.

    1. We just had a much needed 4 inches of rain here in 2 days and now more and more is blooming or just budding up. I wish I had more time and more vases to fill as I could easily….so glad you enjoyed them all Kris.

  13. Oh so many wonderful photos Donna – the waterlilies in particular were stunning and your collages are always so effective. So lovely! And your vases are all so sweet I couldn’t possibly choose a favourite – it’s just lovely to see them!

    1. Thank you Cathy….I have to say the addiction is such that now I can’t make just one vase. I will be out gardening and look over and see new blooms and think, oh how lovely they would look in a vase….and before you know it, I have 3 or 4 or more vases filled and around the house. Thanks for sparking this wonderful addiction.

  14. Lovely to have a look around your garden tonight Donna – so much has happened in May! We are certainly singing from the same song sheet about both the alliums and the weeds! Lovely vases this week as well. I really enjoyed the last of your lilac and that sugar bowl is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Julie…the garden did well considering the weather and now with much needed rain the past 2 days, June may be busting out with more blooms.

  15. Your photos are all lovely this month Donna – so much lush growth and pretty blooms too. Love the vases, especially the white lilac and the Nora Barlow which I also grew for the first time this year. I have had the same “jungle” effect in my garden after a lot of April showers during the month of May! 🙂

    1. But your jungle seems so much lovelier with blooms while mine is weedy…but hoping to remedy that too…so glad you enjoyed the vases…’Nora’ is a stunning flower.

  16. Impressive post, Donna, I like very much the elaborated way in which you are telling the story of your garden, I wish I had the time to do it in the same way. And the vases are so beautiful, as usual!

    1. Thank you Anca…these journal posts do take many hours to put together so I appreciate your wonderful compliment.

  17. Abundance… so much blooming Donna. I don’t know if any weeding will happen in our gardens this year, it depends on my back, but sometimes that allows for surprise wildflowers, and like to welcome local flora into the gardens as long as they are not “stranglers”. I LOVE your frogs… we do not have a pond on our property. Enjoy each day in your beautiful gardens my friend. I’m so happy we have had two straight days of rain, everything is green again. Lets hope it brings up some of the seeds I planted after the last frost that have been buried in the dust since April… we shall see.

    1. With much gratitude to you my friend….I am hoping that my poor seeds and seedlings are nourished by the almost 5 inches we have had in 2 days…

  18. Such a post filled with the beauty of your gardens Donna. I can’t believe how fast the uvularia can create a huge clump – hats for the fairies perhaps? 🙂
    How on earth did poison ivy move in? For me, it’s herb robert – everywhere it seems after showing up last year.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

    1. My uvularia is actually in dry shade and only this one plant returns…I must try to grow it again in my moist shade garden….as for the poison ivy….our land was part of a moist to wet woodsy swamp. So the poison ivy was here even after they cleared the area because they left some mature trees that the plant seems to love and so it reappears from time to time. Also with the wild area behind us I wonder if the birds are bringing some of the berry seeds to us.

    1. I was in awe of it myself this year Diana…it really is quite amazing especially when I look out from the upstairs windows.

  19. Wow- so many beautiful images of your garden areas. I have enjoyed all your plants, and the birds and pond creatures. I would love to have a pond with water lilies… sigh…

  20. Hi Donna,
    Gorgeous garden!
    The RG (retired gardener) says your mystery tree appears to be a flowering crab apple. Once a sought after ornamental tree they are now labeled as invasive.

    1. Interesting Gayle as we did not plant it…but I do have a new native crab apple in my meadow (just a stick) growing…I wonder if a squirrel planted a seed. I’ll have to let it grow and see if it flowers. Thank the RG for me!

  21. You have been busy! The pond lilies are so pretty. I am growing my own vegetables for the first time. They are sprouting and I am super excited!

  22. Lots of lovelies in your garden and pond! How great to have the orioles visit.

  23. Your garden is bursting with life! I enjoyed seeing all of your natives and how outstanding to have that beautiful pond filled with frogs and lily pads! My beans would have a time in there I tell you! And as always your bouquets are a treat! Wishing you a glorious June! Nicole xo

    1. Yes your beans would indeed be mesmerized daily by a pond and the life it holds…what a great teaching tool it is too! Here’s to us both having that glorious June!

    1. Oh Sara thank you and yes that pond brings constant joy especially seeing the water lilies explode into bloom. Wishing you a warm and sunny June!

  24. I just mentioned on another blog I would love to see a meadow of blue lupine and here it is. Beautiful, Donna. I feel bad for your garden having horsetail. Cornell was documenting locations in our area for eradication. They don’t want it spreading. It requires repeated applications of concentrated Glyphosate and even that is not a reliable method according to Cornell. I know you would frown on that, but if anyone reports it in your neighborhood to them, you might be looking to get rid of it. Pulling it is not advisable as you might know since it makes many more plants from the root that remains. Sheet mulching can reduce it, but that makes for a long process too.

    1. Well how funny is that Donna…glad I could oblige….it is even more stunning in person. I sent you an email regarding the horsetail….it is a serious issue.

  25. what a glorious garden. It must be a delight every time you walk out your door or someone visits, despite the weeds. My garden has been sadly neglected of late, but I managed to get out and pull some weeds over the weekend. But of course, we are going into winter here, so not much is flowering. Happy gardening and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

    1. It was a pleasure as usual Jill to visit you! The garden, even with the weeds, is a constant source of joy!

  26. from that wonderful quote to the vases this was a fabulous post, full of life – not all of it desirable (voles, dandelions) but the meadow tops it for me – the sort a child would love to run through (I’ve never quite grown up).
    p.s. what bizarre weather we are having both sides of the Atlantic
    pps horsetail we call it but by any name it is a **** to get rid of

    1. So we have similar issues to grumble about Laura…well together in misery sometimes….but yes that glorious meadow is a treat to see….I still marvel that it is mine (well I share it with nature) 🙂

  27. Oh I enjoyed reading your May end of month view Donna as well as well as gazing at your array of vases. The vase with the aquilegias in is such an unusual shape. Looking at your ‘Nora Barlow’ made me realise that mine have done a disappearing act since last spring!

    1. Thanks Anna…my Nora Barlow will also disappear unless i spread the seeds in late autumn. Fickle flower is Nora!

  28. hi
    I do envy your space, I would love a meadow – maybe one day. It all looks so pretty and I did enjoy seeing your wildlife – your birds are so different to ours

    1. Helen I am so happy you enjoyed your visit to the garden and with the birds here….the meadow has long been a dream and this year it seems to be blooming beautifully.

  29. Your meadow is so beautiful this year, and I love your pond with the irises and all the water lilies. We have a problem with poison ivy, too. I can’t believe all the places it’s popping up. I’ve read where it’s very prolific due to climate change.

  30. Thank you for providing links as a lot of gardening is in a foreign language for me and I smile when I see something I know and have. Now I know what that yellow weed is.. We too have vole damage. I love your mason bee house. I will have to do that myself… Lovely post..Michelle

  31. Just beautiful Donna – swooning over your pond. I have declared it the year of the dandelion – never have I had so many! The bindweed is rearing its ugly head everywhere, too (sigh). I have pulled out some of that very same shrub – I want to say it is a sand cherry. There are a lot of them in the neighborhood and I think the birds distribute them somehow. In fact there’s a tiny sprout in my Potager right now – okay, well now it’s probably twice as large ha ha. I noticed quite a few Cedar Waxwings this year! Love them. And love that bee house – Gardener’s Supply? Mine is worn out and I keep meaning to make a “log”! Thank you for reminding me.

    1. Yes the Bee House is from Gardener’s Supply Kathy, and it has stayed outside for 3 yrs now. I actually wanted to have a native tree where the cherry is so I’ll leave it for now and see what it becomes.

    1. Thanks Sallie…I have been trying to assess and fix each garden room as needed…so glad you enjoyed the post!

  32. You have a lot of blooms now, but i love most the meadows because of the lupines. I see them only in foreign lands and i can’t get enough of them, i wish they grow in the tropics too. When i also see my sister’s backyard in Auckland full of dandelions i am so pleased taking a lot of photos. When her officemates asked her how am i doing in the house, she replied ” she is so happy with the dandelions”! hahaha i love you pond too.

  33. Your May flowers are lovely, Donna. Because you are far north of me, I always think your blooms should be behind mine, but many are way ahead. I love that Veronica ‘Waterperry Blue.’ I don’t have any veronica right now and need to rectify. Let’s hope our crazy weather settles down. It’s cold and wet here and my kitchen garden is not doing anything. And I still haven’t planted the annuals I started. But everything catch up! Your collages are stunning, my friend; what program do you use? P. x

    1. We finally caught a break and the weather has cleared and warmed to normal temps…the kitchen garden is moving along but the perennials are jumped into high gear due to the 5 inches of rain we just had…we were in a drought. Here’s hoping you have a warm up soon Pam!

  34. Hi, Donna!
    How I understand you saying:’I don’t want them taking over my garden’
    So do I , seeing weeds in neighbor’s garden.
    I do love your collages, especially one with tradescancia. As always your vase is pretty lovely combination of lilac and iris.

    1. Yes my garden is choked with weeds that need tending, but weeds from others is adding too much now! So happy you enjoyed the post!

  35. I am absolutely astounded at everything you’ve done – it’s a wonder you’re not in traction! Your garden is looking lovely – and so many pretty blossoms. As long as you keep your lawn in good repair and pull those offending yellow flowers when they appear, I think you’ll be fine. It really looks grand.

    1. Thanks Barbara….the number of dandelions is now in the hundreds in my lawn and thousands next door….it will be quite a feat to get them pulled. I think first we need to regularly feed the lawn with an organic fertilizer to build it up. My husband let it go since we weren’t using chemicals and now we are back on track.

  36. I was trying to identify the geranium in the top photo. Is it a variety of G x cantabrigiense or G. macrorhizum? It’s very pretty.

    1. Geranium macrorhizum ‘Bevan’s Variety’, Jean…it is a fast grower and has an early bloom….nice foliage too!

  37. Hi Donna,

    Just absolutely lovely! You have so many wonderful areas of garden and interesting plants. I love how you are now showing close-ups of the plants within a larger picture. (Really nice styling of the blog.) The meadow is my absolute favorite out of this post. Amazing the lupine. I also love the shot of the water lilies. And now you have mason bees too. I want to get a house for them next spring and start some here. Keep the the great work, friend!

    1. Thanks Andrea….so glad you enjoyed the mosaics….I love how they can show so much more of the story in the garden…the pond and meadow are just amazing in late spring. Definitely get a mason bee house…so wonderful for these amazing pollinators.

  38. Donna, so much is happening in your garden! May was an especially wonderful month with all your flowers and frogs, birds, and bees. I love your vase with the iris pumila and epimedium. It is a perfect combination of flowers and container.

    1. Oh thanks Deb…May was abundant and the vases certainly really showed all the lovely flowers….so glad you enjoyed them.

  39. What a growthful month May was, it’s a shame that has to include weeds, but I suppose not only is that gardening, it says something about our lives. I especially love the photo of the pond with the frogs in it. I’d love to have a pond with frogs, but not enough to do the work to actually make it happen.

    1. It was an amazing month Sue and boy are the weeds filling in everywhere…and it will feel great once we clear it….in about 2 months! The frogs are a big treat as they sing nightly…we are never sure who will show up as it depends on the weather.

  40. I’ve had many plants that I dug up and moved–either to another spot in the garden or out entirely–come back from the seemingly dead. Phlox paniculata is probably the most common. I guess it’s one way to get more plants. 🙂 Your lilies are amazing and I love your frogs. Things are happening so quickly this time of year. It’s almost shocking. I’m going to savor it as long as I can. 🙂 Take care my friend.

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