“I shall never have the garden I have in my mind, but that for me is the joy of it; certain things can never be realized and so all the more reason to attempt them.” ~Twyla Tharpe
My imaginings are grand. I want to see beautiful shrubs and plants flowering and spilling over the sides of the containers. So I am slowly adding to the large containers to realize these dreams. Here is what we have so far.

The replacement clematis, ‘Venosa Violacea’, is beginning to adapt and grow with the sweet peas. Warm weather and recent rain has helped this.

The container mini hosta are filling in.

I love the two containers.

Herb containers are also beginning to grow and adapt. Thyme and sage in the bigger container with the pink and purple pansies. So beautiful.

Another container has the Italian parsley and another thyme plant just beginning to grow. A bit of white Bacon for some spilling color over the edge.

The front containers are beginning to bloom. Hardy rose, ‘Music Box’ with purple Bacopa and the Bluestar ground cover.

And Hydrangea, ‘Double Down’ in a dusky rose color.

Here are the three center front pots. The white pot has an orange/coral colored Calibrachoa with mini sunflowers seeded for cutting.

And many more annuals made into pots….

For my neighbor with Calibrachoa Superbells ‘Yellow Chiffon’ , Yellow Lantana and snapdragons.

Calibrachoa Superbells ‘Holy Moly’, Verbena ‘Beats Red and White’ and snapdragons Snaptini ‘Red’.

Along with Sage ‘Rockin and Playin the Blues’, ‘Lemon Licorice’ licorice plant and Calibrachoa Superbells ‘Coral Sun’.

And a sidewalk full of more….some nasturtiums just starting to grow from seed, pink geranium, more snapdragons, rosemary, and begonias. I am pleased with the seeded annuals in other pots too as they are growing well….more nasturtiums, nigella, cosmos, zinnia and calendula.

As all the containers fill in, I am envisioning loads of flowers blooming and spilling over the edges….a dream? No, a reality that is growing more each day!

For my birthday last week, my husband brought home these beautiful flowers. Lovely purple Sweet William.

He loved the color which is why he said he bought them…..a perfect choice. A perfect vase to share.
With this simple vase, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2022. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
Sweet William is one of my all-time favorites. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Your plants are really coming along.
It was a great birthday. I love sweet William too
You are working so hard with your container garden, Donna and I am sure you will have an increasing number of reasons to feel proud as the season progresses. And Wow! What a glorious shade of Sweet William – thanks for sharing it – and Happy Birthday!
I couldn’t get over the color too. Thanks for the support.
I admire your selections in each of the pots. They are harmonious and also diverse. Pot on!!!
Thanks so much. That was what I was going for. So mission accomplished.
Gardens are a work in progress. Always. Sometimes going in the direction we had planned and often not. Which is fine.
Your vase of sweet williams is gorgeous. I have never seen them for sale as a cut flower here and would have snapped them up. Happy belated birthday.
Thanks dear friend. Yes the garden keeps us changing and growing too!
You’re on your way, Donna!
Thanks Kris. I am pleased as punch with the progress.
You’ve got a great start on what will be a glorious container garden. It all looks wonderful and ready to explode into lushness.
Thanks. Now if I can keep the perennials alive in the containers with our harsh winter.
What a lovely garden. I imagine you are enjoying it!
I am as it fills in. Getting a sense of it.
Look forward to seeing your pots as they fill out over summer, Donna. I can tell you’re going to have a beautiful display. And that bunch of sweet William is lovely. Hope you had a great birthday!
I did have a great day. Thanks so much for the support!
Belated birthday wishes Donna! The containers are looking lovely. Beautiful sweet williams too. I love their scent.
Thank you. Glad you are enjoying the containers Cathy. They have been a fun challenge.