“Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons; it’s a rebirth of the spirit.” ~Toni Sorenson
Spring is fickle. She stops and starts much like a new habit, but she continues forward stumbling along. Cold, hot, snowflakes mixed with rain and lots of sun with clouds. By early May we see flowering trees. And by mid to late May the trees are coming on strong with their greenery. You can see it in the tree above. A very tall apple or crab apple that was seeded and has many saplings that are now turning into a small patch in our brush crowded open woods. The picture was created with the watercolor app, Waterlogue.

And with the onslaught of spring, I am keeping busy with the changes in the garden, both blooms and new visitors. Like this new Hellebore giving me one bloom this spring. It is a renewal, rebirth you might say, for my spirit.

This beautiful Baltimore oriole was back with several others eating suet as we got their feeder ready.

Rose-breasted grosbeaks also flew in with the orioles and they also found some energy in the suet.

And right behind these birds came the last of our visiting birds for the season, Ruby-throated hummingbirds that will nest in our woods. We managed to get our feeder up in time for them as they came in exhausted from the long flight.

The only butterfly that has landed for a picture is this Red Admiral. I am seeing so many of these winged beauties everywhere.

A Canada goose family has successfully hatched a gaggle of goslings in the big pond. It’s been a few years since we have seen this. I have enjoyed watching the parents teach them how to swim in a line. Maybe training for when they fly south in several months.

We have a couple of new rabbits in the garden I am training to stay on the grass where all their favorites, like clover, are. You can see how much they love our area. This one is out many times during the day and night lounging.

And a new blackbird flew in a few weeks ago to rest before heading further north. They filled our trees. I love their yellow eyes. They are Rusty blackbirds and were identified with my Merlin Bird ID app.

Leucojum or Summer Snowflake finally growing and blooming through and around the landscape fabric the management put down. They were planted in fall of 2020.

Inside we still have one bloom that is growing on our 80+ year old Christmas Cactus, blooming since mid- November, giving us 6 months of blooms.

And the hostas have all returned in their containers. Finally a plant I can count on to come back each year in containers.

This is the last of the blooms of hyacinth, salvaged for a wee vase, with some white pansies that are growing back for the second spring. Maybe the third. I have lost count.

I love the contrast in another lovely Belleek bud vase.
With this vase, I am joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
Wonderful is the advancement of spring! I love seeing and hearing all the birds… twitterpated!
Absolutely. Such raucous joy!
What a wonderful spring post with so much beauty to enjoy. I’ve loved the photo of the rose-breasted grosbeaks, I’ve never seen them before.
They are so incredibly beautiful
Truly enjoyed your watercolor photo and of course the blossoms.
Thanks. So glad you enjoyed them all.
I love all your nature shots, Donna, especially the one featuring the geese. May you continue to enjoy the daily surprises and rewards of spring while it lasts
Thanks so much Kris. The geese were such a balm to my heart. ❤️
Oh, you’ve had some wonderful visitors…and beautiful plants and thoughts. Yay, the warmth of late spring!
Yes. It has been a lovely spring. Thanks Beth.
Oh I think that I will investigate Waterlogue Donna. It was interesting to read about your visitors all unknown in my garden apart from Read Admirals. Rabbits used to visit my allotment and sadly did a lot of damage. A lovely little vase which must be beautifully scented.
Thanks Anna it is. Glad you enjoyed the post.
Thank you for sharing all these signs of spring, Donna – what varied bird life you have!! I love that hyacinth – is it ‘Woodstock’ do you think? Your Belleek vase is perfect for it
Yes the bird life here is amazing. Yes thank you for the hyacinth ID. It is indeed Woodstock. I do adore it.
A beautiful Hyacinth Donna. Good to hear spring is progressing, even if it is slower than you wish. Soon it will all be lush and green. I hope you are successful ‘training’ the rabbits. Our hares have plenty of clover but still love nibbling on my broom and dianthus! LOL! Happy Spring Donna. Have a good week.
Thanks. Yes all will be green and lush very soon. It is all catching up!
I like the hyacinth vase. Beautiful color. Your bird visitors are so exciting and exotic to me. The only butterfly I’ve photographed this spring was last week at the botanical garden nearby, also Red Admiral. Seems you’re making the most of spring. Have a happy week.
Thanks my friend. I am finding so many more birds this year.
I enjoyed your beautiful photography and truly felt it captured the essence of Spring. I wanted to walk beside you and see all the birds and animals, and your IAVOM bouquet was a perfect way to end the post.
Thanks so much. You are welcome anytime.
Your opening picture is a wonderful warm welcome!
Thank you so much.