In a Vase On Monday – The Power of the Sun

“Despite knowing they won’t be here for long, they still choose to live their brightest lives — sunflowers.” ~ Rupi Kaur

There is something about looking into the face of a sunflower. It always makes me smile from ear to ear. And there are so many “sunflower” type of flowers that grow this time of year, that I decided to add as many as I could to a yummy, sunny vase.

Especially those growing in my small native garden.

Rudbeckia finally showing off.

Coreopsis and a couple calendula (not native) that keeps popping up. I love how reliable the calendula are, and how they self seed.

And native Helianthus, which you can also seen growing in the wild, in my native garden bordering the woods, at the top of the post.

I had a couple annual sunflowers that finally grew. Usually the critters or beetles chew them up. So I added one.

So here is the bright and sunny vase. Just as fall weather is beginning, it brings so much warmth and brightness to my life.

With this vase, I am also joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at  Rambling in the Garden.

All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. 

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.

18 Replies to “In a Vase On Monday – The Power of the Sun”

  1. Sunflowers and their relatives are among the happiest of flowers, never failing to to bring a smile. My Helianthus seedlings got a late start – and after I attended the Fling and followed that up with an extended case of Covid, they were goners. I did have some success with Rudbeckia, though. Thanks for sharing your sunny composition, Donna.

  2. Definitely bright and sunny, Donna – and isn’t it funny how I am not keen on yellow in the garden, but I love yellow rudbeckia (and tolerate yellow sunflowers) and certainly love your cheery vase!

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