In a Vase on Monday – Eclipsing Spring

“An eclipse is one phenomenon that is actually more impressive from the ground.” ~Leroy Chiao

Today we are lucky to be in the path of totality of the solar eclipse. I will be watching it from my back patio later this afternoon, and praying the clouds do not obscure it. And with this eclipse, spring has started.

The cold 40s and 30s of last week, with the lashing rains, hail and snow mixed in, has put a damper on the blooms. And although the weather may not be the warm winds and sun you would find with a soft spring, it is early spring none the less.

I was able to get out and rescue some lovely blooms again that were brave enough to bloom as the weather finally started to warm.

Iris reticulata and puschkinia, and finally Glory of the Snow (at the top of the post).

Squill and snowdrops still blooming too.

With this vase, I am joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at  Rambling in the Garden.

All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. 

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.

13 Replies to “In a Vase on Monday – Eclipsing Spring”

  1. Your spring flowers are beautiful, Donna. Hopefully, you’ve seen the last of that whiplash weather and spring will stick now. Enjoy the eclipse! It’s only partial here and, as we’re now getting close to its peak (11:03 PDT now), it’s relatively difficult to sense the event. If I didn’t know it was upon us, I might miss the occurrence altogether.

  2. My comment didn’t post so I expect I must have failed to signal that I’m not a robot when I hit “post.” I love your rescued spring flowers and hope that, after the weather whiplashes you experienced, spring will settle in at last. I hope you’re enjoying the total eclipse. It’s only partial here and, if I didn’t know it was happening, I might not have noticed it, except for the sudden drop in temperature.

  3. I love the early spring flowers, and what a treat to see them after ours are all over here. Your photography is always interesting and thank you for sharing.

  4. I hope you got a good view of the eclipse. Clouds partly obscured our view for the second half. The light was still so eerie, I can see why our ancestors were unsettled at the dimming of our great star!
    You seem to have the same flowers blooming at the moment as I do. It is a joy to see what is coming up. Onward, Spring!

    1. It was good for most of fours half of eclipse. With the clouds we could actually view it without glasses except sunglasses. What an amazing experience of totality. It was dark quiet street light came on. I am glad we experienced it. Then clouds rolled in for the return of the sun. Still amazing. Birds singing and flying now. One robin was not happy and told us so.

  5. Lovely spring flowers Donna. Just hope it will start warming up for ypu now and you can catch up with us, which you always do. Mind you, we are ahead this year with an unseasonably warm spell.

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