“Like lavender, I bloom in the most unlikely places.” ~ Atticus
With the beginning of fall, one wouldn’t expect to see fields of lavender still blooming. But here in my garden they are. My fields of lavender are on either side of our driveway. I was allowed to keep two medium-sized plants which have morphed into one plant with 2 different blooms taking over the whole area along the sidewalk.

They are an incredible sight, that fill with blooms all late spring into summer. When they finish blooming, I cut them back, and by late September they begin to bloom again.

On the other side of the driveway is a small rock covered area that had no plants. One lavender plant in a container, that seeded a few years ago, has morphed into another field of many plants which I think will probably grow together as well.

They continue to seed, and more and more plants have emerged. I also cut most back and they too have grown back and are blooming again. Honey bees are going crazy collecting pollen and bringing it back to their hive. I wish I knew where the hive was as I would love some lavender honey.

I look forward to these fields of lavender each year, and now I can enjoy them in multiple seasons. Of course I cut a a few blooms of lavender for this week’s vase.

And added in the last 2 fuchsia from a hanging basket. They remind me of cheerleader’s pom-poms.

This vase is bringing me so much joy, but I just have to walk out my front door and get an even fuller effect of these fields of lavender.
With this vase, I am also joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
Oh, lucky you! And they smell so heavenly. 🙂 Cute vase, too.
Thanks Beth. Yes that smell. Wow. I inherited that vase from my mother in law. It’s a favorite.
Your lavenders are beautiful, Donna. Such a fragrant treat to have this time of year. I have a couple in a big pot. While the leaves looked full and healthy there were very few blooms.
I have found here you can’t grow them in pots. So I look for the hottest most inhospitable spot and they love it.
Oh wow, Donna, those lavender borders are a glorious sight, although it still makes me wince when you say you were ‘allowed’ to keep them… Your tiny vase and simple blooms are a delight, and it is good to see your amethyst accompanying them
It makes me wince too my friend.
Sounds heavenly!
Hey in a small garden definitely.
I’m glad to learn that your HOA allowed you to keep the lavenders, Donna. What kind of sourpuss could dislike lavender, especially well-behaved ones like those? I envy you the fuchsia too as I literally lost every fuchsia I had to heat this summer.
Yes I am happy that they saw lavender as a great plant. They prefer no plants and just rocks. Yuck.
Your lavender flowers are wonderful Donna and I am so glad you have been able to keep those plants and that they are setting seed and establishing themselves. Must smell lovely when you walk past too.
Oh they do indeed
Your lavender and fuchsia photos are beautiful Donna. It’s been super catching up with you. I hope you have had a great summer.
Wonderful to hear from you. So glad you enjoyed the garden.