” Blossom by blossom the spring begins.” — Algernon Charles Swinburne.
My garden is beginning to effloresce….reach an optimum stage of development or blossom. After a week of sun and temps in the 70s and 80s (too hot for early April here), everything is racing to bloom. And it is perfect for planting seeds too.

Bulbs like daffodils are blooming.

Miniature ones too.

As well as this one that is actually buried a foot away or more and is now under landscape fabric. Did a critter move the bulb or did it just find the edge of darkness and move into the light. I call it a miracle of resilience.

Small bulbs like Glory of the Snow.

And Puschkinia or striped squill. They smell like grapes.

And Siberian Scilla all perfect and naturalizing slowly. Some of these smaller bulbs are also finding the edges of the garden and blooming now just where the grass starts. I hope they keep moving into the grass. It makes a lovely spring display.

Of course lots of purple with the iris reticulata and the hyacinth pictured at the top of the post. My absolute favorite for color and fragrance.
All these early bulbs are cherished as there are not many in my small garden. But oh the sights and smells are intoxicating. And they are opening for the garden season as the native plants will next start to rise, grow and bloom. Can’t wait to share those too.

I was able to make couple of small vases with these beginning blooms. The first is a small one with iris reticulata, Puschkinia, Siberian Scilla and Glory of the Snow.

And of course a few daffodils in a favorite old blue vase. I didn’t want to pick all of them. Just enough to give me a thrill indoors too.
With this week’s lovely vases, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2023. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
Thank you my dear friend!
Wonderful to see your garden awakening. I realize my Scilla has not returned the past couple years. Yours makes me want to find it again. Have a good week.
Oh I hope you find your scilla Susie! Enjoy your week.
While I love daffodils, the little vase with (mostly) blue flowers is absolutely adorable. Your garden is a little ahead of mine, but we are also welcoming spring, albeit with a little more snow yesterday. Maybe in a few more days, I will be able to do something similar. Su
Keeping my fingers crossed for you Su!
Your garden is a little ahead of mine, so I’m really enjoying your photos and especially your tiny vase of mostly blue flowers. Thanks! Su
Thanks Su!
How exciting for you to have bulbs blooming again, Donna – their strong colours make such confident input to our gardens, don’t they? Your two little vasesare filled with sheer joy after your long winter
Thanks Cathy! They do make such a strong statement in the early garden.
I see it now. I was going directly to your blog from the comment you left on mine, and I couldn’t see any comments on any of your posts from there. I know some people don’t want comments, and I wanted to let you know I enjoyed your sweet vase.
Oh I love comments. If you go straight to the blog you just have to click on the blog title and the full post and comments come up. Thanks for hanging in there and finding the comments.
It is lovely to see that you finally have some flowers in your own garden to pick, Donna. And there is nothing quite like yellow flowers in a blue vase in spring!
Exactly…a great combo. Thanks Cathy!
It looks like a switch was flipped in your area, Donna. Spring is putting on a show now!
Yes Kris. We flipped to summer for a week. Now back to spring and I am happy as is the garden.
All very lovely, Donna! I did not realize that Puschkinia smells like grapes! I’ll be headed up my hill to smell mine later today! Alas, my iris reticulata came and went way to fast with this heat this year. I never even got a picture of it!
Let me know about the puschkinia….yes sometimes my bulbs are so fast with heat, I miss them too.
Wonders of nature as the bulbs find the light!
Oh yes!
Thanks for sharing your lovely Spring blossoms, especially the hyacinth. It has been my favorite Spring flower since childhood. Pink, white, blue and purple blooms lined our sidewalk every Spring, sometimes through the snow. Alas, their wonderful aroma now causes sinus irritation for my husband and me, so seeing yours is a breath of fresh air. Also, I love it when my garden flowers randomly pop up in our lawn. This usually happens a little later in the season with the sweet, blue forget-me-nots. Your cobalt blue vase is stunning!
Thanks Jenni…I’m glad I could share the blossoms that you miss.