In A Vase on Monday – Hallelujah 

“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.” ~S.D. Gordon

What a beautiful weekend. Cold and sunny until Easter. Then it was like a switch was flipped and we are now entering late spring, almost summer weather. It is what I love about spring. The variable weather. Above is my first vase of the season from my garden.

Modest, and an homage to the snow crocus that bloomed for weeks. I added a purple chrysanthemum that had been broken from last weeks bouquet to round it out.

I was also given an early Easter present from a dear friend and neighbor.

A beautiful bouquet of lilies, alstroemeria, delphinium, daisies and roses. She received it for her birthday, but her cats would not leave it alone.

So now it sits on my table as each lily slowly unfolds its beauty and scent.

As I wait for more bulbs to flower, I am coloring them instead. This is a page from my #the100dayproject that I am continuing happily.

In honor of spring and Easter I chose pastels for my most recent coloring page.

Love how it turned out. Really into this year’s project. Going at my own pace, slow and with the flow. I will be continuing my coloring for the rest of the year as this is part of a 365-day coloring project/habit that is getting me in touch with my creative self.

With this week’s lovely vases, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.

All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2023.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.

20 Replies to “In A Vase on Monday – Hallelujah ”

  1. That bouquet is beautiful Donna, and I must say your neighbour was very kind to part with it, even though her cat was playing with it! I hope she will see the photos you made. The crocus is a wonderful sight… I hope you see more flowers popping up around your house soon, now that spring has finally arrived!

  2. I #LOVE your 365 days of creativity… you are tapping into that right side of your brain! Enjoy!

  3. I’m glad that spring has sprung at last in your part of the country, Donna. Hopefully, there’s plenty more floral color in the offing for you!

  4. What a sweet little vase you have created from your own blooms, Donna – and your friend’s loss is your gain in terms of the bigger bouquet. Well done for your progress towards the 365 days of creativity

    1. And with the cooler weather they have been blooming longer. But this weeks heat will fade many early bulbs quickly.

  5. I enjoyed reading about your coloring project. Putting color on the page is therapeutic as well as creative.

    I’m glad your neighbor shared her flowers with you. Just as well as I think lilies are toxic to cats.

    1. Yes lilies are very toxic which is why she gifted them to me. It does seem a shame she can’t have the flowers indoors. But soon enough she will have her pots planted with lots of flowers.

  6. Thanks Donna for a lovely post and showing us your colouring. Colour has such an effect and I love your combinations.

  7. Lovely, lovely Donna! I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Your vase is perfect. We’re having a similar experience with the weather. The 70s (and 80s tomorrow) are nice, but we skipped over the 60s. Hmmmm…

    1. We did have a lovely Easter. We saw some 60s and now 70s with 80s by weekend. Yes, crazy June weather for here. But rain and 50s return next week. I prefer a slow spring so I welcome it as does my garden.

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