Pots and Pots and Pots Galore

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine for the soul. ~Luther Burbank

This is the time of year my interest wanes a bit in the garden. I like the garden for its peacefulness and a few flowers to hopefully cut for a vase. But I am not so interested in the maintenance. It’s hot and muggy and I am wanting to rest and relax.

But I am getting out to weed a little. My husband is my helper and he drags the hose around thankfully to water although we have been having lots of rain of late. Me, I get to enjoy the sights and smells of the garden from inside and outside the house.

I thought I would update the container garden that was planted earlier in the late spring. Big and small containers with plants, and those grown from seed. Lots growing and some changes. This is the front garden view from the porch.

The focal point in front of our townhouse is starting to take off. The white pot is now uncovered and the miniature sunflowers are getting bigger. The chipmunks should leave them alone at this point. I will cut these once they start flowering and then replace the sunflowers with other annuals.

This favorite pot on either side is filling in especially the Licorice plant.

The large pot on the left is also coming along. The new hosts we added this spring will fill in bigger next year hopefully. For now the coleus and other fillers are adding color.

The pot on the right now has a similar green-blue hosta instead with wavy leaves. I replaced the rose that just struggled too much in this pot.

The violas and pansies in this pot all reseeded themselves. They fill up the whole pot and I love the look with the sweet peas and morning glory rising above them. Now to keep the Japanese beetles off the vines.

Most of the pots out back are just beginning to bloom. The nasturtiums are a favorite and planted from seed. Once the other seedlings begin to bloom, I’ll update those containers.

My vase this week is with store bought flowers that my husband brought home. These alstroemeria were beautiful even before they opened. And I wasn’t sure what color they would turn out to be.

So here they are….a great coral tone.

I love how they look on our bookcase with family photos.

I really am loving this color as it matures.

With this week’s lovely vase, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.

All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2023.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.

16 Replies to “Pots and Pots and Pots Galore”

  1. That is a pretty variety of plants you have chosen for your planters, and also to follow the maturing of your cut flowers over a few days is a treat. You don’t get that with artificial ones!

  2. You have got a lot of pretty planters, Donna – I especially like those blue ones. Alstroemeria are great for a vase as even when they began to decay they still look elegant, like tulips

  3. I’m glad you’re able to bring lots of color into your garden, Donna. I haven’t seen that Alstroemeria before – it’s lovely! My energy for work in the garden also flags in July (and August) and I target my “must do” garden chores for early morning whenever possible. Our temperatures are down some from last week but the humidity level is surprisingly high, which seems to be a new trend in “dry heat” southern California.

  4. I have a few pots on our balcony that are doing okay. Some better than others with the daily triple digit heat. Yesterday our balcony thermometer was reading 106 ℉ in the late afternoon. It was still 100 at 8 PM. Your variety is so lovely. I surely miss my hostas. Thanks for sharing yours.

    1. I love alstroemeria too. I am surprised by my violas and pansies. All that returned from late fall or seeding themselves are going strong in our heat.

  5. Your containers all look lovely Donna. The plants are so pretty and look really healthy, so I can see how much care and attention they get. And I love the colour of your Alstroemerias.

  6. I’m simply amazed you’re watering it all by hand. I was out this morning, and I have a few pots I wanted by hand, and I was thinking, why do I have so many pelargoniums and begonias?~~Dee

    1. It is such a small garden now so by hand is ok. And all close to the house so the hose reaches too. Now your garden is huge my friend.

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