Ounce for ounce, herbs and spices have more antioxidants than any other food group. ~Michael Greger
My container herb garden is really coming on strong. And I am using these herbs in my cooking. I grow those I use the most. So Italian parsley, Greek oregano, spearmint, peppermint, sage and thyme are the culinary herbs growing in this garden. I used to grow basil and dill until I found I had a food sensitivity to them.

And with the prolific growth of the herbs, this is two bags of peppermint, I have to think of how I will preserve them.

Italian parsley will be frozen.

Mint can be frozen or dried. I’ll dry peppermint for tea and freeze spearmint to use in salads. The spearmint this year is growing like crazy with cosmos seeds growing through it.

Oregano (in picture at top of post) will likely be dried, and sage (growing with thyme) frozen so I can use it when I need fresh herbs for soup and other dishes.

And thyme, well I don’t grow enough to use much so I let it get big enough to flower profusely for the pollinators who love it.

I also have been making my own spice concoctions/rubs as it is hard to get premade spice combos that don’t have herbs and spices I cannot eat. I use lots of dried organic herbs for a poultry seasoning and Herbs de Provence which we use in so many dishes. Dried rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, marjoram, savory, coriander, fennel and lavender depending on the recipe.

I found a few recipes I liked, and played around with them. I purchase most of my organic dried herbs in bulk. With my small garden I couldn’t possibly grow enough herbs to dry and use. And I finally bought a spice grinder. I like that it came with a removable cord and a little brush to clean up under the blade. And it is easy to use.

My vase this week is a sweet little vase using the leaves from N’joy pothos…love the green and white leaves.

Seed heads from nigella and some of the continuously blooming nasturtiums.
With this week’s lovely vase, I am linking in to the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2023. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
I like the green and white leaves too. The nasturtiums are pretty. Mine are yet to bloom. It’s nice you have your own custom spice packs. Bet you are a good cook!
Thanks Susie. I learned from the best, my mom!!
Gardening with a purpose with your herbs.
Absolutely Janice. I think that happens more when you have such limited space.
I love your tiny arrangement, Donna. Kudos to you for making good use of the herbs you grow too. I need to figure out how to use the noID mint I inherited with the garden. The prior owner planted a mass of it in one of the raised planters in my vegetable turned cutting garden and, try as I might, after 12 years I’m still not able to rid the area of it.
Yes mint will never be gone if it gets a hold in the soil. I use mint in tea, both fresh and dried, in salads and as a counter to dishes with ginger. Gives a nice balance.
Whar a wonderfully healthy crop of herbs you have Donna! And I intrigued by the idea of a spice grinder – is it for dried herbs? Your little posy is very sweet but I had no idea what ‘N’joy pothos’ was, and had to look it up – it really sets off the blooms, doesn’t it?
Yes for dried herbs especially rosemary and fennel in my recipes. I agree the leaves of that pothos really set off the flowers. I’ll show off more of it soon.
Nothing like your own garden grown herbs! It is amazing how much more flavorful they are from store bought.
Pretty little vase, that is a new pothos to me, I like it!
The pothos was new to me too.
Your little arrangement is perfectly poised to please. I too love herbs they just add that extra to food in my opinion that make it both a tasty and wonderful smelling repast.
Oh yes. The aromas are some of the best reasons to use herbs.
I have never seen Pothos before – very pretty. A nice backdrop for your nasturtiums which are a lovely deep colour. It is nice to use herbs from your own garden, and I also dry some or even freeze them occasionally. So many herb and spice mixes have chilli or paprika in them which I am allergic too, so using individual herbs and mixing them yourself is a great idea.
Pothos is a lovely houseplant that has different leaves depending on the variety. This one with the white and green leaves is more rare and a gift from a friend.
Pothos is new to me Donna. What attractive foliage which goes so well with the flowers you have chosen. You’re certainly making good use of your various herbs