“To repurpose an old thought, idea or memory to a new purpose is the height of creativity.” ~Steve Supple
The insane weather of late has me looking for a unique vase. You can see the daffodils are confused by the warm start to winter.
Now with a foot of snow covering the garden until a few days ago, and then rain flooding the pots and surrounds there was nothing outside in good condition for a vase. So I decided to move some dried hydrangea to a special Belleek vase.

The vase sits on top of our antique china cabinet. This came from my husband’s mother and belonged to her mother. He had it redone and our wedding china sits in it.

Wedding photos grace the top of the cabinet; ours, my husband’s grandfather and my parent’s. As well as my husband’s parents wedding photo hanging above it.

A perfect spot for dried hydrangea’s now reddish-pink in color. I love being able to repurpose these dried flowers in a beautiful way.
With this vase, I am joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
You china cabinet is truly a cherished corner, and the hydrangea flowers with the antiqued pink colour are a perfect match.
Thanks Noelle. I loved how they looked one I shifted them too.
The dried hydrangeas are lovely. I have some heirloom oak pieces that resemble the same style as yours. Truly beautiful and perfect for the display of hydrangeas. I appreciate that good quote. Very true.
Kathy so glad you enjoyed the post. Antiques are precious like an heirloom garden. ❤️
Hydrangeas make lovely dried flowers, Donna. I wish I had better luck growing those thirsty plants if just to have those dried blooms. I hope your weather improves as the week continues!
Thanks Kris. Supposed to get colder as week goes on and then shift to normal 30s by the weekend. I’ll take normal.
Great hydrangeas, they have really held their color and look wonderful in the vase. Stay warm!
Thanks so much. I will
They have kept their colour so nicely Donna. They do look very fetching and ‘vintage’ on your cabinet, especially with the old photos. An eye-catcher as you walk past I’m sure.
I was happy to see the color now. Indeed eye-catching
Flowers are flowers even when dried. I have gypsy weed we picked from my husband’s paternal grandmother’s homeplace. Those dried flowers have made 3 moves and are not as beautiful as your hydrangeas but they have a special meaning to us. Stay warm and safe.
I couldn’t agree more. And you have some pretty special flowers indeed.
A special cabinet indeed Donna and those hydrangeas grace it so well. Here we have your snow today but only an inch or so
Snowing today. So the hydrangeas are keeping me warm. Stay warm Anna.
Hydrangeas are one of the most beautiful of dried flowers.
I do so agree