Deep Trust in Myself

“The flower bends when the wind wants it to, and you must become like that-that is, filled with deep‎ trust .” ~Rainer Maria Rilke

This is a hard lesson for me…trust. Trusting people, trusting myself. Especially at this stage in my life, with so much life lived. And with trust there must be patience. Something I lose with a lack of trust. But it is nature, again, where I turn to guide me. To show me how to bend with fierce winds.

To trust myself more. To know I can do anything I want to do. Why limit myself? And I trust more that things are working out as they should for me. Maybe not what I want, but what I need. Certainly there are lessons to learn here, and gratitude is the best response.

This garden year, I had an invasion in my front garden of a beetle that loves to suck the life out of leaves and dry up the plant. We chose to use organic means, especially squashing thousands of them. And to keep after them. Much of the front garden has rebounded, but scarred. And some will not bloom. But I trust that our efforts will contain these insects in years to come.

As I looked around my garden, I saw the scene above. And my gut said, oh yes let’s cut a few and make a small vase. My trust in my garden, in nature, in Universal energy keeps me going. Keeps me knowing this path is my healing.

In this little vase there is so much joy.

California poppies I seeded in early spring (pictured at the top of the post) with nigella.

And my hardy geranium pumping out those dark pink yummy blooms.

On the first day of summer, my husband decided he wanted to get some yellow flowers to ring in summer….I love this miniature yellow rose. So sweet.

He brought home a huge bouquet of them.

They brighten the whole room.

With these vases, I am joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at  Rambling in the Garden.

All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. 

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.

12 Replies to “Deep Trust in Myself”

  1. The yellow roses are gorgeous – your hubby is so thoughtful! But that little vase of your own home-grown flowers is perhaps more special. Beautiful photos too Donna.

  2. Nature arranges flowers so beautifully. Good eye to recognize how well the small flowers would work together. The roses are lovely too, Donna. May the flowers assist in your path toward healing.

  3. Valuable lessons to learn and to remind oneself of when needed, Donna. I love the yellow roses – your husband is a jewel!

  4. Beautiful bouquets! I hear you about the pest, the beetles, I’ve had my roses attacked by sawflies…again…this year. Way too many and thorny issues too, to squash them, but I am with you about squashing…it is my favorite method.

  5. That hubby of yours is a winner! 🙂
    I share your love of charming, small vase arrangements, my kitchen windowsill has many of them. They showcase each individual flower’s beauty best!

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