Much to Celebrate

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ~Oprah Winfrey

Let me start with the fact that I have had much coming at me recently-some celebrations and some significant changes that will need to be made.

My husband and I recently celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. I was finally able to try to eat out after 5 yrs of gut issues. We picked our favorite spot out in the country surrounded by lots of trees with amazing colors. It is an organic farm to table restaurant, and oh how I missed eating there. It was a wonderful dinner and experience. On the way home we watched the sun set through the hills. It certainly put a bow on a magnificent day.

And I even picked out my favorite flowers of the season for a lovely anniversary bouquet-sunflowers purchased at a local grocery store.

These flowers make such a bold statement.

And have such staying power in a vase.

They are equally gorgeous as they age. Along with the fall colors and leaf decline found around me. Which is a perfect metaphor for me at the moment as I deal with health and aging.

I think it is even more important now that I heed my practitioners’ guidance. And so these changes I am having to make, I am hoping are as temporary as my practitioners are telling me they should be.

As you may know, I have had hand pain since the beginning of the new year. Working with an incredible Physical Therapist, who is sure it is from my neck. Years of bad posture hunched over using a phone and computer and reading books for hours. As well as slouching. So in order to treat this, I have had to move from reading books to listening to books. I am adjusting and enjoying some series of books I have wanted to read. And I am finding it really is important to have an excellent narrator to enjoy listening to books.

I also have to stay away from the computer and phone. Blogging takes quite a bit of time on both these devices so I will be stepping away from my blog and social media for a few months. Looking at coming back at the New Year as long as my practitioners are in agreement. So this will be my last post for now.

I will be thinking of you all. And wishing you a wonderful rest of fall and a special holiday season. I’ll see you in the New Year!

With this vase, I am joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at  Rambling in the Garden.

All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. 

All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2024.  Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.

21 Replies to “Much to Celebrate”

  1. Stepping away from social media for a period of time is probably a healthy practice everyone could stand to take, Donna. I respect your decision to take a break from that and other stressors in your life to emphasize your health. Happy anniversary to you and your husband and best wishes. I look forward to seeing you pop up again in the new year!

  2. Happy Anniversary, and your arrangement is lovely. 🙂 Our Sunflowers and Sumacs are fading fast because of how dry we’ve been for the past couple of months. I understand your decision to take a break, Donna. I’m glad to hear some of the health issues have improved, and I hope the pain issues subside quickly. I’ll look forward to your posts after the holidays. Take care!

  3. Happy anniversary, Donna. I love your sunflower bouquet! They always shout their cheer whenever I see them.
    I hope you are able to work through your health issues and come out in excellent health in the new year. In the meantime, enjoy the quiet time of hibernation. Best wishes!

  4. The sunflowers are lovely Donna, as are those photos of autumn colour. And congratulations on your anniversary! We will miss you, but I hope the time away from the computer will help your neck/hand pain heal. I had problems with my hands a couple of years ago, and it came from my back/shoulders. I found scrolling on my phone or ipad the worst thing for it. So I am optimistic for you that a couple of months off will help. Wishing you some peaceful autumn days and some relaxing listening to audio books. And get well soon!

  5. Looking after yourself is more important than anything else so I wish you all the best for a relaxing time away from the screens. You couldn’t have picked a better time with everything that comes at us these days! All the best in your recovery.

  6. Thank you for sharing this part f your journey with us Donna. I am so glad you were able to share what sounds like a lovely birthday meal, and that your practioners seem to have determined par of your problem. I hope time and good advice will see improvements for you. Take care Donna ps those sunflowers are lovely, and such a good choice for you and your story

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