It does not matter if you are a rose or a lotus or a marigold. What matters is that you are flowering. ~Rajneesh
The garden has released so quickly, early in October. With the colder weather, gale winds and sunlight fading, the beauty of autumn was showing off. A beauty equal to other seasons. But by itself, a miracle of nature.

The native sumac have been blazing.

Along with the native coralberry.

Native wood asters are painting the meadows in soft, tiny white blooms (see picture at top of the post).

A few tomatoes are lingering on the vines soon to be picked to finish ripening indoors.

And in the garden, I came across the marigolds still glowing in their container. These flowers have been growing and pumping out blooms non-stop all summer until now.
It is a special flower for me, as my mother used to plant them in her annual flower garden. The pungent smell takes me back.

But as the colder weather was unrelenting, I decided to snip them off and plunked them down in a couple of vases.

Marigolds represent strength and power in the Language of Flowers. And I can say in my garden, they certainly are a strong plant, resilient/powerful against the many storms in the past three seasons.

With these nostalgic flowers in a couple of vases, I am joining in with the wonderful meme, In A Vase On Monday, from Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.
All the pictures shared in this post were taken with my Nikon Coolpix or iPhone camera, and manipulated on my iPhone using the apps, Pixlr and Prisma. You can follow my progress with #the100dayproject in my Instagram and Facebook feed.
All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Gardens Eye View, 2010-2023. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
Wonderful flowers Donna, especially in the blue vase.
Thanks Cathy. I am especially fond of that vase.
Now gardeners approach the time of dreaming and some planting for early spring blossoms.
Absolutely. As I wrap it all up I dream!
French Marigolds are one of my earliest memories as well, their distinctive pungent smell is unforgettable. My next door aunt used to grow rows of them, along with hearts-ease, another favorite.
Oh that sounds wonderful!
Love the quote and your thoughts as well as the marigolds. I grow tall ones for the second year now and they bring me much pleasure. Did you ever use the flowers in cooking? Have a great autumn, Donna x
Funny you should mention cooking. These were labeled herbal marigolds. I hope to grow them again and use them in cooking.
Pretty photos of a garden in transition, Donna. I’m not sure I’ve ever grown marigolds in my garden but, over the course of this summer, I’ve been impressed by both their toughness and their cheerful colors so I’m committed to finding them a spot in next summer’s garden.
You will love them Kris.
Wonderful fall display. I had African marigolds last year and enjoyed them.
I used to grow several varieties from seed. Love them.
It’s good to see all those glowing autumnal colours in your garden Donna. Your tomatoes look huge and I hope that they soon ripen indoors. French marigolds are such colourful flowers and a great companion plant too. Sadly I have to avoid them as the aroma from the foliage can make me wheeze – as you say they are certainly “pungent”.
Thanks. Too bad about the marigold scent.
It’s good to see all those glowing autumnal colours in your garden Donna. Your tomatoes look huge and I hope that they soon ripen indoors. French marigolds are such colourful flowers and a great companion plant too. Sadly I have to avoid them as the aroma from the foliage can make me wheeze – as you say they are certainly “pungent”.
Loveliness all around, Donna. Autumn is unique, isn’t it? It’s not my favorite season, but it does offer some magical colors and happenings. 🙂
It is a lovely time. Just wish it was a bit warmer and sunnier.
Sharing a vase only with other marigolds highlights what a bright cheery colour they are – and more poignant for you with the memories they bring. I am pleased to see you are enjoying the colours of autumn as your garden fades. Thanks for sharing, Donna
Thanks Cathy. I only wish autumn colors lasted a bit longer.
Beautiful flowers and vegetables. The quote is timely and perfect.
Thanks so much Kathy!
I also want to add a thank you for sharing the photo apps you used. I’m always on the lookout for fun ways to tweak my photos. Lunatic is a good one too.
Glad to help. I’ll check it out